If you would
like to leave a comment about an article or story featured in
15MinutesMagazine, please visit our
Contact Us page.
Brilliant Work
have to say, the amount you said about the
Kribbitt in that single paragraph is simply
outstanding [August/September
2013, Products]. As I was reading I was
thinking to myself, with the amount of text
left he could not have covered this, that or
the other, and lo and behold you did and in
fine fashion I must add. Brilliant work and
thank you so much for including me in this
regards and I hope to meet up with you again
one day,
Carmichael Kribbitt
Innovation Corp.
Much Appreciated
Thank you so
much Tim – it is a wonderful story and
should help educate people about lupus and
our work. We really appreciate the coverage!
Story: Issue 108 May/June 2013]
Meislin Director of Communications
Lupus Research Institute| S.L.E. Lupus
Foundation New York, N.Y. |
Thrilling News
I'm thrilled you
brought this to my attention! I have since
posted it to Amherst Media's facebook page
with 29,000 fans! Thank you so much! [Books:
Nikon Speedlight Handbook, May/June 2013]
Neaverth Amherst Media |
You’re Welcome
GREAT story, Tim! THANK
YOU for sharing it with us (Travel,
January 2013), and THANK YOU for
visiting South Dakota.
Jim Hagen,
Secretary South Dakota Department of
Amazing Story
Hi Tim: I just saw and read your
amazing coverage of the MOTY lunch [American Cancer
Society’s Mother of the Year, June 2011]. HUGE thanks for
such an extraordinary story. I am indebted to you. What a
wonderful keepsake for me--and moreover my daughters. It is
truly special--and so are you!
Muffie Potter Aston New York, N.Y.
Fantastic Too
15 Minute Magazine looks
absolutely fantastic and it has been great
reading about it and having a look online.
Anna Sharp
Senior Account Manager Essence
Communications London, England
Helping The Disabled
Greetings from
Al Hussein Society for the Habilitation/Rehabilitation
of the Physically Challenged (AHS) in Jordan.
We have received a copy of
the article
that you have prepared regarding your visit
to AHS. We were so delighted to read your positive
comments which show us how much you have enjoyed
the time spent with our children.
We highly appreciate your
kind words and the provided comprehensive information.
Your article will hopefully attract the attention
of many people to join us in our efforts and
help persons with disabilities in Jordan with
the contribution of improving their quality
of life.
You are always welcome here
as a friend, and hopefully we will continue
to cooperate to spread the word about AHS.
Thank you again and best wishes
from all the staff of AHS.
Annie Medzhagopian
Abu Hanna
Another Link
This is great [Travel:
Jordan, Issue 95 November/December 2009].
We have linked the story to our "New on Jordan
and JTM" link on the Jordan Travel Mart website.
Manuel Cuevas
of Sales & Marketing
H. Coleman, Inc.
Updated Design
RE: August/September 2009
Tim, this is KILLER fabulous!
Leigh Cort
Verde Beach,
We’re on a Roll
Carol Hall’s Hallways CD review in
2008, Music.
want to tell you how FABULOUS you are! Thank
you so much. YOU TOTALLY ROCK.
Judy Jacksina
Great Information
I just
saw this and have enjoyed it so much (Travel:
Harrah’s Atlantic City, September 2007).
Lots of great information, extremely useful
for prospective travelers, and thoughtful in
the way you express your opinions.
Naturally, a little “vanity press” never hurts
– Michelle, Alyce and I look as if we are having
fun (and we were!). It was a great pleasure
traveling with both of you, and we look forward
to the next adventure together!
Joan R.
Senior Vice
M Booth & Associates, Inc.
Now Everyone Knows
Thanks so much for
getting it to my attention [Front
Page, June/July 2007]. We just circulated
the link throughout the Red Cross.
Mike Virgintino American Red Cross New
Touching Base
you for your well-written article regarding
the Eve Fenton Love-All Foundation (Pictorial
Parade, December 2005). The enlightening column
touched base with the heart of my humanitarian
mission, namely the disabled indigent children.
The window
of opportunity has been given an uplift and
showered grace upon the children by the one
and only Jules Peimer. Your expertise came forth
with a dynamic blast of well-established knowledge.
Vicki Fenton
President/Founder New York City
piece on Berlin – we love it there! [Travel,
January/February 2005] Is that really a night
pic of the Brandenburg Gate?? Bill [DeSousa]
and I traveled there very year (except this
past) since the Adlon Hotel reopened. Now that’s
a great hotel!
Glenn Faria, Pres.,
CHME Michael Patrick Destinations & Communications,
Museum awesome
piece on Berlin [Travel, January/February 2005]
– es ist meine Lieblingstadt! Also loved the
Jewish Museum which I visited on my last trip.
It was awesome! The Garden of Exile shot you
included brought back those haunted memories
of my visit there! Glenn [Faria] and I used
to go there every year for ITB and always stayed
at Hotel Adlon (a Kempinski property) at the
Brandburger Tor (Is there anywhere else to stay?
inquiring minds want to know.). We would BOTH
highly recommend this for a hotel recommendation,
also, the Hotel Estrel, Grand Hyatt and the
Brandenbergerhof near the Ku-damm. Congrats
on a terrific piece!
Bill DeSousa
Michael Patrick Destinations & Communications,
Wonderful compliment
What a wonderful magazine, and what a great
idea. Congratulations!
Susie Rosenbluth
Englewood, NJ
Thank you
You have an excellent website.
Shannon C. Schiner
You’re welcome
This is fabulous!! Thank you for [review of
Cranium board game,
Products, November 2003], I really appreciate
it. This site is great, it offers such a good
variety of information.
Melissa Chambers
China Fascinates
I read your article on China and found it fascinating
2003]. You were very brave to go there so
soon after SARS hit. I hope to be able to go
one day.
Emma Pearson Stoner Founder
News of Israel
I wanted to let you know I enjoyed reading the
magazine in general and your piece specifically.
I also looked through the archive, and found
your piece on Shaare Zedek Medical Center in
February's issue particularly moving.
www.im4israel.org was founded to help Israel
during these difficult times by helping small
vendors who rely on tourism get access to the
North American market. We donate a portion of
sales to terror victims.
also began a monthly newsletter, Time Out 4
Israel, with unique articles about all aspects
of Israeli life but not the terror specifically,
since there's enough coverage of that. We have
nearly 2,000 subscribers.
Deena Schwimmer
Guy’s Ahead of The
New York Times, Weekend Section, page
2, the "On Stage and Off" column [April 4, 2003].
Lead bit, "Premium is the Norm," is about the
pricey Premium Seating (such as the $480 VIP
seats for The Producers). But Guy Le
Bow's Opinion column had a different side to
this subject in 15MinutesMagazine in the March
issue. Once again, we’re ahead of The Times!
Barbara Carlin
New York, NY
We enjoyed the book
Thank you for the great review of my book, Passover
Cookery (February 2003).
I also
enjoyed your website; very handsome.
Joan Kekst
Recommending Applejack
Your magazine is quite interesting and informative.
Recently my family visited New York. Before
going to the theatre we had dinner in the Applejack
Diner advertised in the magazine.
was an enjoyable experience.
The waitresses were friendly, quick and
efficient. And the servings were generous and
tasty. I will definitely recommend the place
to our friends.
D. Johnson
Dallas, Texas
Waving the Flag
I think
a lot of people think flag waving is pointless
and not the best show of patriotism these days.
I wouldn’t fault Tony.
Smith Syndicated Columnist
See Tony Bennett flag fracas in
Boxer Shorts (December 2002)
No Manual Saves Money
This is in reference to you review of the Nikon
Coolpix 2000 [Products,
October 2002]. I understand that
while it may be easier to read a printed manual,
it is very expensive to print and include a
manual like this in all the different models
of digicams that Nikon produces. We all pay
more for something that is a convenience to
some and useless to others. What is a far better
solution is that the camera manufacturers charge
a little less for the camera and give the option
to have a manual mailed for an additional fee.
That way, those that would like the convenience
are paying the same price, and those that don't
want it do not have to pay for it at all. Just
a thought.
Serving Stockholm
I was looking around your site and was delighted
to see your piece on Stockholm [September 2002].
I just recently completed a Web site for a travel
agent client who specializes in Scandinavian
www.SwedenbySiv.com and now, having sold
myself on its beauty, I plan to go there next
summer when the days are long again. I printed
out your article to take along.
Linda Lopez, President
Tellmedia Communications, Inc.
Great publication
Jules Peimer: I ended up in Europe in the
mid ‘90s and about a year ago started writing
features for many international publications.
By the way, congratulations on your site on
It’s a great publication and I was touched
by all of the letters written to you.
Jan Roberts
You got it right
Thanks for the link to the interview! [Travel,
July 2002] It reflects exactly how people here
feel and think about the current situation.
Shalom and take care.
Ofir Gendelman
Deputy Spokesman
The Foreign Ministry, Jerusalem
Travel on the cheap
I just wanted to say "thanks so much" for the
nice review of my book, The Encyclopedia
of Cheap Travel,
on your wonderful Web site.
Terrance Zepke
Good for the traveler
Jules Peimer: It was a pleasure to meet you
during my recent trip to New York. Isabel and
I always enjoy New York. 15 Minutes
Magazine is great for someone like me, who
is always traveling and doesn’t have the luxury
reading time.
R. Michael
Mondavi, President Robert Mondavi Wines
Oakville, Calif.
Lucky in Malaysia
What a wonderful story [Travel,
September 2001]!
You really got lucky visiting during
a Mega Sale month at Habib Jewels.
I will have to remember that when planning
my own trip.
Thank you for your inclusion of Shangri-La
Kuala Lumpur and of Lafite into your story.
pictures look wonderful as well.
Reeves PR Manager - North America
Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts
Family Affair
Wow! checked your masthead, and...15MinutesMag
is a Family Affair? Neat. I also liked the Myrtle
Beach piece [Travel,
August 2001]. Funny, I was thinking of organizing
another one of my Women's Goddess Weekend retreats
in Myrtle Beach (I do them often during the
year). I think I'll seriously consider the Villas
at Kingston Plantation. Your story was enticing.
Andrea Martone
Lookin’ Good
15MinutesMagazine sounds great, and looks great
Darlene Salzer
BlueSky PR
Portland, OR
The Lucky Ones
Your site is really interesting. Congratulations
on keeping this going. I sometimes think that
those of us who were spared being crawled all
over by VC's were very, very lucky!
I think
all of us who've been publishing sites for more
than three years should form our own informal
alumni association. Kind of like the Boy or
Girl Scouts – you know, complete with iron-on
patches ("HTML Achievement", "Effective Self-Promotion",
"Kindness to Freelancers," and naturally, "Wilderness
Endurance"). Once a year, we could have even
have a "Jamboree" and trade 'zine publishing
war stories :)
Steve Baldwin
Another Satisfied Reader
Jules Peimer:
I enjoyed the 15MinutesMagazine site. Thank
you for your write-up on Literacy Partners
[June 2001] – it’s really good.
Bill Higgins
March On
We enjoyed your recent article on the March
of Dimes [Dec.
16, 2000].
Farkas Director of Public Relations
Daniel and Café Boulud, NYC
Lookin’ Good
Congratulations on your web site. It looks very
Richard Kahn
Public Relations for HSMAI
That's Why They're Rich
The McCartney review was great (Books: July
3). Loved the choice of the taxi story. Amazing
what mega-rich people DON'T do with their money.
Jens Hussey
LA: Renaissance Books
Rush to Judgment:
Horse snatching no joke
I THOUGHT your story about Yossi Wircer's adventure
was very "cute" (March 2000, Travel). Oi!
Such funny story!
Here's a boyish prank by a nice little
bachor (well, ok, a decade after bar mitzvah),
who's just a soldier (well, ok, so he was a
commander), who took a little tchatchke home
from his secret mission (well, ok, it was a
valuable colt), without his rebbe's permission
(well, ok, it was contrary to direct orders
from a commanding officer).
a sweet little practical joke!
I can't
find words to tell you how appalled I am at
How could you think this story was funny?
More importantly, how could Wircer?
He admitted in his interview at least
to two felonies: to felony theft and disobeying
a lawful order of a superior -- but this is
all some big joke to Mr. Wircer.
the intifadeh, civilians claimed that the Israeli
army treated them and their property badly just
because they were civilians (we dismissed them
as "just Arabs").
We all discounted the complaints by saying,
"Oh, of course the Arabs are going to complain."
Too bad that Wircer's "funny story" reveals
the depth of contempt that some commanders in
the Army had for civilians and their property.
Obviously the Arab complaints were not as wrong
as we were lead to believe. I am disgusted and
Brad Elbein
Atlanta GA
Besides being disgusted and appalled, you are
also precipitative in casting blame.
First, the commander in question was
not a yeshiva bochur (religious student). He
came from a secular kibbutz in the Galil. Second,
a month later he was killed when he stepped
on a land mine.
Thank You
Very nice website.
Chuck Lennon
Media Relations Manager
Minnesota Office of Tourism
Al Gore, Michael Jordan Family Secrets
Read the column about the Veep and Jewish jokes
[Al Gore, Nov. 29, 1999]. I was born and raised
in Tennessee and now live in North Carolina,
perhaps 20 miles from Michael Jordan’s mother’s
home. The Gore family and the Jordan family
have lots of secrets that only local people
are aware of. I do respect Ms. Jordan’s family
values. Apparently she did a great job with
her children. But that is where it ends.
Michael Jordan’s father was robbed and brutally
murdered here in North Carolina, local people
wondered why the family did not report him missing
after several days. Apparently, this family
is not so “value-oriented” as they would like
us to believe. If my husband was missing for
a week or two, I would be worried. But not Ms.
Jordan. Michael Jordan’s father had not been
reported missing at all. (Lots of secrets and
lots of money and image involved.)
with the Gore family. Al Gore’s father was a
demagog of the worst sort when I was growing
up in Tennessee, and his son is nothing but
the spawn of the father. I am not surprised
to see that they do not instruct their grandchildren.
I have 8 grandchildren, and I pray for them
more than I did my children. Responsibility
does not end when your children grow up and
leave home. It only begins with the next generation.
Obviously, that theory doesn’t apply to the
Gores and Jordans.
Rose Poteat
Charlotte NC
Sheraton Means Business
Thanks for the WONDERFUL article about Yiddishpiel!
You captured so well the special flavor of Yiddish
theater AND the appeal of this company to a
broad audience. I know your readers will enjoy
it as much as I did.
I also
enjoyed reading about the Sheraton City Towers.
What a hotel! Makes me want to be a business
traveler in Israel, just reading what you wrote
about it.
Kathleen Ron
Development Consultant
Yiddishpiel, The Yiddish Theater of Israel
Tel Aviv
We're Not Poles
I am just as proud
of Kissinger as you are. I admire the sonofabitch
enormously. Almost as much as I loathe that
celestine Barbara Walters. I am not Jewish but
I have Jewish friends and find some just ass
much a pain in the ass as non-Jews. IT HAS NOTHING
TO DO WITH JEWISHNESS. I wish you and other
influential opinion-makers would de-emphasize
this separation. Jewish-nonJewish should not
be a dichotomy. We are not poles in a polar
Oliva Tegucigalpa
Looking Ahead
I didn’t realize it
at first but read over the sentence below
from Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano
full five months before Hurricane Sandy.
[Met Council, May 2013]
She said that
her department partners with organizations
like Met Council to help communities respond
to disaster and other hardships.
"Homeland security begins with home town
security. And you can’t have home town
security without organizations like Met
Council." You’re a prophet!
Rapfogel Executive Director
Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty
New York, N.Y. |
Fabulous Issue
Mazel Tov on this most fabulous
issue [June 2011]. You've really done it!!! All the best
of good luck and keep up the great work. I'm passing it on
to all cause it's very very special.
Jeanette Hendler New York, N.Y.
Linking Up
Thanks for the kind
and insightful review of my book Digital Art
Revolution for 15 Minutes! I posted a link
to it on my site:
15 Minutes Magazine - Tim Boxer Reviews
"Digital Art Revolution"
Scott Ligon
Well Deserved
Thank you for the stories
Jordan, Issue 95 November/December 2009].
I really enjoyed the one at the Al Hussein Society.
They certainly deserve the publicity and I definitely
appreciate and enjoyed volunteering there with
Malia Asfour
Tourism Board North America
Fine Export
I/we really
do appreciate the wonderful review [Books:
Coming of Age: A History of the Jewish People
in Manitoba, Issue 95
You are truly a gutte neshama, one of Winnipeg's
finest exports. The next time you are in Winnipeg
(DO NOT come in January), please let me know.
I would be very happy to see you. Sid Halpern
is still around and remembers you fondly. I
sent your article to Chaim Rozwaski in Berlin
(actually, he was in Winnipeg last April [2009],
so he took the nostalgic tour, similar to yours).
Abe Anhang
Kudos for Comedy
To Jeffrey Gurian:
never stops amazing me what a wonderful job
you do on Comedy Matters.
Al Martin
New York Comedy Club, Boston Comedy Club, The
Magazine impressive
A truly
great online magazine! Such a variety of people
and events that you have covered! And, I am
impressed! You use a Leica digital camera? Very
Robert Kalfus
New York, NY
That’s Black & Decker
I won last month’s contest and did not know
where that fantastic prize came from. I just
Googled my name and found out. Wanted to say
thanks so much for that dynamite tool. We have
used it already and now I have three on my Xmas
list for my sons-in-law. Will make a great gift.
Eleanor Greenly
Levittown, PA
Birds of Tel Aviv
You may
remember me from Tel-Aviv with the barn-owl
project (Travel, July 2004). I just wanted to
say thank you for publishing it on the Internet,
and to let you know that the project is going
very good. There are already barn-owls and falcons
in Tel-Aviv where they put the bird houses.
Thank you again.
Gal Gingold
Tel Aviv
More to come
Thank you so much for taking the time to write
a review of our book, Drive: I-95:Exit
by Exit Info, Maps, History and Trivia
[Books, March 2004]. This is an annual guide
so it will be updated and come out every September.
We know those who have used it while driving
between Boston and Florida enjoy having this
"insurance policy" in their front seat with
them and especially reading ahead to plan their
meals and sleep stops from the comfort of their
cars. We look forward to having feedback from
people who use the guide and from those who
live along the route so we can keep adding insider
information each year.
Sandra Phillips
On the fast track
Daniella's piece looks fantastic (July 2003).
Thank you very, very much. Turns out you've
chosen a perfect candidate for this month’s
"15minutes." She just wrapped the leading lady
role in Nickelback's new music video coming
out worldwide late August and the publicity
around the video is going to really fast-track
Holly Carinci
Guy’s Ahead of The Times
New York Times, Weekend Section, page
2, the "On Stage and Off" column [April 4, 2003].
Lead bit, "Premium is the Norm," is about the
pricey Premium Seating (such as the $480 VIP
seats for The Producers). But Guy Le
Bow's Opinion column had a different side to
this subject in 15MinutesMagazine in the March
issue. Once again, we’re ahead of The Times!
Barbara Carlin
New York, NY
We Have The Best
I just wanted to send you a brief note and tell
you what wonderful people both Sally and Ivor
Davis are. You have two of the best working
for you.
Brian Garrido
Burditch Marketing Communications
Los Angeles, Calif.
Hospital with a heart
I appreciate that you wrote about our hospital
in your magazine. I really hope that we will
be able to build the Emergency Department as
the need is urgent and we don't know what tomorrow
will bring. We all pray for peace and that we
can live side by side with our neighbors. Again
thank you for highlighting Shaare Zedek, the
hospital with a heart.
Emunah Hasin
Director of External Affairs Shaare Zedek
Medical Center
Deauville is inviting
I should have mentioned that I did see the Deauville
eau de parfum article
[January 2003, Products]. Your style of writing
is very inviting and personal. Thank you
for the feature.
Liz Malcolm
Michel Germain Parfums Ltd. Canada
Travel with others
What a wonderful surprise to see my book,
Travel with Others Without Wishing You'd Stayed
Home, discussed in the book section of 15Minutes.
Thank you so much for including it.
I'm totally delighted and appreciate
the opportunity to introduce the book to your
Nadine Nardi Davidson
First Contest Winner
Received my prize in the 15 Minutes contest
from Black & Decker. Very impressive new
portable electric drill set. Thank you.
Don Cosney
Salt Lake City, Utah
A real gentleman
I just wanted to let you know that Jules Peimer
was gracious enough to devote a great deal of
time to support my play, Who Killed Johnny
Hansen? which ran Off-Off Broadway at the
American Theatre of Actors in April. After attending
the opening night party and the Jean Dalrymple
awards ceremony at Sardi's, he ran a nice piece
in your magazine [June 2002]. Jules is
a real gentleman and a supporter of the theatre.
Give my regards to Jules the next time you see
Joe Krawczyk
Wilmington rules!
Thanks so much for the excellent article, which
I'm calling to the attention of my colleagues
at the Hotel du Pont, Hagley, Winterthur, Nemours
and Longwood Gardens. Kudos to you! Lovely article!
You did a great job and we appreciate your including
us in 15Minutesmagazine.com [Travel,
April 2002]!
J. Harry Feldman
Media Relations
Greater Wilmington Convention & Visitors
Wish you were here
I finally had “15 minutes” to explore your Magazine!
It's fabulous! Being a New Yorker until a few
years ago, you thrilled me with New York shtick
and stuff, plus everything else that's delightfully
fun. I'm going to send it along to many
other friends and family who will appreciate
your site. As a writer, and currently launching
the southeast chapter of International Food,
Wine & Travel Writers, I wish I were back in
NYC to participate with you somehow. My
dining, party, food and wine antennas are always
Leigh Cort
Leigh Cort Publicity St. Augustine, Florida
Divine Coincidence
I read Ivor Davis' piece [The London Blitzkrieg,
October 2001].
Interestingly, my father was killed by
one of those bombs that rained down on London!
He was
a Coldstream Guardsman, the English regiment
that is the Sovereign’s personal guard.
They trooped the colors in 1939, and
his was one of the first regiments sent into
France in 1939.
He was later picked up on the beaches
of Dunkirk, only to fall victim to one of the
last bombs of the war. I was only 4 months so
never had the pleasure of knowing him.
My grandparents'
house was badly blitzed, and my mother once
moved too slowly in a bombing raid.
The doctor told her she was very lucky
to be alive, but alive she still is, Thank God.
Catherine Saxton
New York, NY
Fabulous Cafe
Next time I'm in South Carolina I'll be sure
to visit the Collector's Cafe...and bring my
checkbook. [Travel,
August 2001] Sounds fabulous. I just learned
of your webzine and wanted to send you a quick
Jody C. Diamond
Cheryl and Andrews Marketing
Sheraton Israel Fantastic
What a wonderful surprise! We are absolutely
overjoyed by the fantastic spread you have given
us this time in the new edition [July
2001] – the very best way to show people
that Israel is still a great
place to visit (especially if you stay at the
Sheraton Moriah Hotels!).
Ariela Mader
Sheraton Moriah Hotels Tel Aviv
Stimulating Conversation
Jules Peimer: I must say that you helped
not only to make [Gerry Cooney’s Celebrity Golf
Outing in Atlantic City] a success, but you
also helped my weekend more enjoyable. For this,
I offer my sincerest, heartfelt thanks.
all the celebrities and golfers enjoyed their
golf games, I enjoyed an afternoon of fascinating
and very stimulating conversation with you.
individuals travel to Atlantic City in hopes
of gaining instant wealth. They hope to walk
away a big winner.
I was
fortunate enough to have acquired something
more valuable than any gambler who lady luck
visits at the game table.
I acquired
knowledge, wisdom and inspiration, and I acquired
this from you.
Roxanne Davis
Assistant to Executive Director Fighters
Institute for Support and Training
Friars Are Hot
Jeffrey Gurian: Thank you very
much for your wonderful coverage of The Friars
Club on your web-site, Comedy Matters at
15minutesmagazine.com, and also congratulations
for having Face to Face featured in the
Taos, New Mexico Film Festival. Thanks to people
like you The Friars Club remains in the limelight.
Jean-Pierre Trebot
Executive Director
Touching Story
The cover story on AOL’s Myer Berlow [Feb.
12, 2001]
was really quite touching.
Erin Siggard
Knight Ridder
Likes The Looks
It looks terrific. Lots of luck.
Ron Eliran
Aaron Harnick Fan
I was wondering if Aaron Harnick had
an email address with you guys, where I could
contact him.
He just gave me a lovely write-up for
a show I just did [10 Stories Up], and
I would love to thank him for his kind words.
Sheila O'Malley
You can reach
Aaron Harnick at our
Us page.
Getting Acquainted
[Editor’s Note: In an email, the writer referred
to Tim Boxer as editor of
I know
you're the editor at 15 Minutes Magazine.
I apologize. I had just gotten off the phone
with Louis Belsky, editor of Cyberplan
magazine. Cyberplan on the brain. Sorry
about that. Of course I know you – you do Boxer
Shorts, which are really funny.
Tia Martin
Good Stuff
I did have a chance to visit the magazine. Good
Michael Littenberg
Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP
New York NY
Check It Out
I checked out 15 Minutes Magazine – very
nice. I like the concept, and the layout as
Internet Telecom Expo 2000
Javits Center, NYC
You’re Welcome
It's a good story [July 24 front page].
Lisa Kahn
March of Dimes
Dyan Cannon Throws
A Curve
Subj: Too
Bad Date: 6/30/00 10:02:49 PM Eastern Daylight
To: Ivor Davis
your pieces, but I saw you were taken in by
Dyan Cannon. She is, as you probably know by
know, practically the number one Hollywood poster
girl for Christian evangelists. Been on everything
from Pat Robertson to Benny Hinn. And she described
that "God's Party" thing as a Christian study
group to a Christian evangelist. Someone told
me about her shortly before your article and
I did a web search and was shocked. I was even
more surprised when I saw your article in the
LA Jewish Journal.
You obviously don't have to answer¾but
out of curiosity¾do
you think she tailored her answers to say just
what she knew a Jewish publication was willing
to hear?
And that ain’t bull
ARE the bull testicles, at $5, kosher bull testicles?
I believe the true name is "Rocky Mountain Oysters."
Stanley Allan Sherman
The restaurant's kosher. Bull is a kosher animal.
Thus testicles are kosher. But your tip is not
– that's why it’s been clipped.
Lots of Comments
Thank you very much for the great article on
the Sheraton Jerusalem Plaza. We have received
lots of favorable comments, including congratulations
from Starwood HQ at White Plains, NY – so obviously
they are sitting up and taking notice.
Ariela Mader
Sheraton Moriah Hotels
Tel Aviv
An Outstanding Guy
Congratulations on your ‘zine and thanks for
the highly professional way you have displayed
my column. It augurs well for the future. I
must say, the whole presentation is first class.
Furthermore, I know now where I first met you.
I often went to observe Earl Wilson when he
broadcast from a restaurant, and as a friend
I was dedicated to him at all times. When he
penned his last book, I was doing a talk show
in Philadelphia, and he came out to let me interview
him. A wonderful evening.
Guy Lebow
New York NY
Podhoretz in Two Minutes
Many thanks for the clippings and the Internet
reference about the Norman Podhoretz lunch.
You did a great job summarizing 50 minutes
in less than 2.
Daniel Pipes
Middle East Forum
Wonderful Website
and good luck on your new website. It's wonderful
and I enjoyed seeing the article 'Charity in
Fashion.' All the best.
Fainblatt Executive Director American
Committee for Shenkar College
You're Welcome Jules Peimer
Thanks so much for the kind words on Mob
& The Movies. Much appreciated!
Director, Public Relations, TNT
Quest for Peace
Being a vice-chair of the concert at Lincoln
Center to benefit the Yitzhak Rabin Center for
Israel Studies was a very thrilling and touching
experience for me. I admired Mr. Rabin and his
quest for peace. I also admire his wife Leah
and her tireless efforts to make us all remember
his worthy cause. Thank you Tim for participating
and helping to bring the legacy to your readers.
Azrielant New York NY
You Didn’t Cover Me!
It was a nice presentation of Zamira’s event
[Music, March 20] and I appreciate mentioning
my name. Yet, you’d be doing justice have [sic]
you mentioned that I’ve designed Zamira’s 2
CD covers and enclosed manuals (the same way
you’ve mentioned in the article about Hanna
Levy’s album, designed by her husband) rather
than emphasizing an insignificant quoted phrase
on my behalf.
Kanan Abramson
Art Director
The Jewish Post of New York
Well Documented, Well Written
For an interview (Oct. 11, 1999) that was conducted
via cell phones, in an elementary school parking
lot, lasting approximately five minutes, with
a deadline fast approaching
- this very spontaneous question-and-answer
period was well documented and well written.
Thank you for your interest and your kind words.
My father, sister and I collectively enjoyed
our 15 minutes of notoriety.
Kenny Karen
Lake Mahopac, NY
Very Impressive!
I had a chance to see your Website. Very impressive!
Michael Wildes
City Councilman Englewood, NJ |
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