Lt. Inbal Still Misses
Her Fallen Brother
NBAL GRINTZVAIG remembers her
brother Avi like it was yesterday. She says he was the
average mischievous brother who was always getting into trouble
growing up in Petach Tikvah. Nothing serious. Because they were
twins, their parents made sure they were placed in different
classes in school "so we can develop our own identity."
Being twins, each one knew there is
always somebody there who understands you better than anybody
Both became soldiers in the Israel
Defense Forces. Inbal was a 2nd Lt., and Avi was a 1st
Sgt. They stood with their comrades at the Kotel Hamaaravi where
they pledged to do everything necessary to protect the state of
Israel "even if it means you will have to sacrifice your own
"The IDF," Inbal says, "takes care of
you as a soldier and helps you be the best soldier you can be,
and become the best person you can be, a person who looks out
not just for yourself but also for the people in your unit, and
all the people you meet in your daily life even, believe it or
not, for your enemy. That’s exactly who my brother was."
During the fighting in Gaza last
summer, 1st Sgt. Avi came under heavy fire in Bet
Hanoun while trying to reach a wounded soldier and carry him to
safety. He went back to rescue another when he was shot and
"That’s the way he lived—always taking
care of his family and friends, always there to help and
protect," Inbal said at the annual Friends of the IDF dinner in
March at the Waldorf-Astoria.
Inbal said if Avi were here he
wouldn’t understand what the fuss is all about. He would say, "I
was just doing what’s expected of me and every soldier."
"But Avi gave more and paid the
supreme price," Inbal said through tears. "It just seems
impossible that someone so strong, so full of life, can be gone
in an instant."
The FIDF event raised $24 million to
support cultural and recreational facilities for the soldiers.
"I’m an education officer in the Artillery Corps," Inbal said,
"and I see all the programs you make possible, and how you make
sure that lone soldiers get to go home and see their families. I
wanted to honor my brother by sharing his story."
Syndicated radio host Monica
Crowley, who emceed the dinner, interviewed several active
soldiers by satellite. An IDF colonel, stationed outside Kibbutz
Ein Hashlosha in the northwestern part of the Negev, reported
that Hamas "is rearming and retraining and digging tunnels again
in Gaza."
"What are you doing to stop Hamas?"
Crowley asked.
"Monica, if I tell you I’d have to
kill you. And the head of intelligence standing next to you
would have to kill me."
That cracked up the 1,200 dinner
guests. The chief of military intelligence, Maj. Gen. Hertzi
Halevi, turned to Crowley with a big smile…and nodded.
To show he was only kidding, Halevi
threw a zinger about a visitor who asked a newly minted Israeli,
"Why did you come here?"
"I came to forget."
"What did you forget?"
"I forgot."