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No. 115 / 2017

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Ambassador Ido Aharoni and Dr. Shimon Glick
Ambassador Ido Aharoni and Dr. Shimon Glick

Dr. Shimon and Brenda Glick at Soroka fundraiser
Dr. Shimon and Brenda Glick at Soroka fundraiser

Cancer Survivor Mandy Patinkin
Helps Raise Funds For Hospital

OT only did Mandy Patinkin make a nice living playing a hot-shot surgeon on the CBS series Chicago Hope in the ‘90s, but he’s been blessed by medical science in real life.

Between 1978 and 1998, when he was stricken with an eye disease called keratoconus and feared going blind, doctors saved his eyesight with corneal transplants. "I have two eyes that were given to me by two children, a 13-year-old boy and a 14-year-old girl," he said.

On top of that he’s a cancer survivor. His father Lester died of pancreatic cancer at age 52. The Chicago-born actor-singer hoped he could just get past that age without any bad news. But before he reached 52 he got a diagnosis of prostate cancer. "It was terrifying," Mandy said. "I thought a Mack truck hit me. I freaked out."

Mandy, now 60, told his frightening story at a benefit dinner of the American Friends of Soroka Medical Center in June at the Harvard Club in Manhattan. The aim was to raise funds for a Comprehensive Cancer Center at the hospital in Be’er Sheva, in the Negev of Israel.

"I was blessed with wonderful friends, family and a medical institution to take care of me, embrace me, put their arms around me, comfort me, and give me confidence with all the choices and information in the world. To be bereft of that is beyond description."

He didn’t hesitate to participate in the fundraising gala—on video—because, he said, his research showed that Soroka offers "that guidance, that education, that care, that technology. That is something to support with all your heart and soul. If you don’t take care of these people, when you need someone to take care of you no one will be around. That’s how it works."

More than that, Mandy was thrilled to learn that his "daughter-in-love," Kristen Widmer, his son Isaac’s fiancée, is a graduate of Ben-Gurion University Medical School for International Health, in collaboration with Columbia University Medical Center, and its teaching hospital Soroka. Kristen is currently teaching native Americans in Sitka, Alaska. "She learned her lessons well at Soroka," Mandy kvelled.

At the New York dinner Dorian Goldman, of the American Friends, presented a Visionary Leadership Award to Shimon Glick. He made aliyah from New Jersey in 1974 and became founding chairman of Soroka’s division of medicine.

Professor Glick quipped that the reason he’s being honored is that the hospital thinks "I have many rich and generous friends."

So he pleaded for donations: "Just think if you give a million dollars to Harvard or Stanford to add to their multibillion dollar endowment it will be a drop in the bucket and you will get a nice letter from the president. A million dollars to Soroka will have tremendous impact and you will be treated royally."

In his keynote address, Consulate General Ido Aharoni of Israel said the world is witnessing an historic moment in the Middle East. "The whole region is disintegrating in front of our eyes."

All the people who believe Israel is the major source of all the trouble in the area now realize that the Arab-Israel conflict is not the only conflict in the Middle East. The so-called Arab Spring, he said, shows that the turmoil in the region is a continuation of the 1500-year rift between two factions of Islam—the Sunnis and the Shiites.

Looking at the immediate future, Aharoni saw a terrific shift unfolding in the Negev. It is being developed and populated by increasing numbers of people who believe the southern desert is the future of the nation. Furthermore Israel is on the road to becoming self-sufficient in water resources.

Israel will also become self-reliant in energy. Israel will transform from an importer to an exporter of natural gas. "Countries are lining up for it," Aharoni said.

He said that Israel’s "creative class" is the fastest growing in the entire world. The creative class consists of knowledge workers, intellectuals, and artists among other types who stir economic growth.

Out of Israel, Aharoni said, came a navigation software system and instant messaging. There is no Facebook without instant messaging. "The world can look toward a bright future thanks to start-up Israel’s creative class."


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