Issue 60
July/August, 2004

Front Page - USO METROPOLITAN NEW YORK - Soldiers From Iraq War Earn Standing Ovation
DOUBLES - Double Springtime Pleasure At The Club
BE’ER HAGOLAH INSTITUTES - Teaching People How To Be Good Americans
LENOX HILL NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE - Kids In Candyland Help Raise Funds For Programs
CHILD LEARNING INSTITUTE - Spring Party Helps Children With Autism
BODY POSITIVE - No Rain, Only Champagne, At Garden Gala’s Parade
BIG APPLE - Johnathan Tisch Inaugurates First  Annual Big Apple Fest
Products - John Deere Tractor, Magellan’s Travel Supplies, Undelete 4.0, Wine from Hungary, Language Littles, LightWedge, My Voice ID, Aurora Pet Carrier, Rock and Roll Triviologies
Society - A Night To Remember
Leica Goes To A Party - ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE - Wiesel Spends Lifetime Searching For Words
Travel - Israir Airlines, Dan Tel Aviv, Dan Eilat, Birds of Tel Aviv


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