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Official Magazine of the Next 15 Minutes




Tim Boxer

Boxer Shorts


DRUZE FLYING HIGHDRUZE FLYING HIGH EL AL 767 fleet manager, Captain Amos Mohar (from left); EL AL president Elyezer Shkedy; Druze community leader in Israel, Sheikh Muwafak Tarif; Naser Elden, chairman of Daliat El Carmel City Council, and EL AL chairman Amikam Cohen at Ben-Gurion Airport for the re-naming of an EL AL Boeing 767 aircraft Daliat El Carmel in honor of the largest Druze community in Israel.

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KIND DEEDSKIND DEEDS Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, William Rapfogel and Sen. Charles Schumer at Met Council 34th annual legislative breakfast. Executive director/CEO Rapfogel said the organization has been engaged in "deeds of kindness" by providing 100,000 New Yorkers every year with human services ranging from domestic violence counseling to kosher food pantries. "I believe in deeds of kindness," Bloomberg said, "so I will speak for only two minutes." As Met Council chair Merryl Tisch placed a yarmulke on his head, the mayor said, "I wish I had this to cover my bald spot in today’s Puerto Rican Day Parade." Rep. Charles Rangel likened Israel’s blockade of Gaza to America’s blockade of Cuba to prevent rockets arriving from the Soviet Union saying, "This was a repeat of the past." Rep. Carolyn Maloney saw the Gaza flotilla as an attempt to breach Israel’s blockade. "They claim it was a humanitarian act. I say it was terrorism." Mayor Bloomberg concluded, "If Hamas puts down their guns there will be peace. If Israel puts down their guns there will be genocide."


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SECOND ON FIFTHSECOND ON FIFTH Second Ave. Deli floats up Fifth Ave. carrying proprietors Felicia Rosen, Jack Lebewohl and Joshua Lebewohl plus Anna Lindow of the New York Observer in the annual Salute to Israel Parade in New York.


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TOP GUNTOP GUN U.S. Lt. Col. Rob "Waldo" Waldman (left), Fox News Channel chairman/CEO Roger Ailes and Waldo’s twin brother David Waldman at a breakfast for the Israel Air Force Center hosted by Jeffrey Wiesenfeld at Bernstein Global Wealth Management in Manhattan. Waldo, author of Never Fly Solo (McGraw Hill, 208 pages, $24.95) proved to be one of the most outstanding motivational speakers on the planet as he urged everyone to cultivate wingmen—trusted partners—in their business and personal lives. Ailes introduced Michael Goodwin, political columnist of the New York Post: "In first grade his teacher asked, "What are you drawing?" He said, "God." She said, "Nobody knows what God looks like." He said, "They will in a minute."  


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WELCOMEWELCOME Jeff Stier (right), chairman of the Jewish International Connection, welcomes Shmuley Boteach to the sixth annual fusion gala in New York. The organization connects with 10,000 people from 40 countries who find themselves permanently or temporarily in New York and seek social and professional networking and opportunities to enhance their Jewish identity in many diverse ways.


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