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Tim Boxer

Boxer Shorts


Roger Moore (right) is escorted at the Dan Tel Aviv by hotel manager Etai Eliaz. At the Fifth Eilat Chamber Music Festival, Sir Roger, a UNICEF ambassador since 1991, gave a concert dedicated to the UNICEF fight against AIDS in Africa. Photo: Yael TzurJAMES BOND’S BACK: Roger Moore (right) is escorted at the Dan Tel Aviv by hotel manager Etai Eliaz. At the Fifth Eilat Chamber Music Festival, Sir Roger, a UNICEF ambassador since 1991, gave a concert dedicated to the UNICEF fight against AIDS in Africa.

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Morton Zuckerman (left), owner of the New York Daily News, congratulates Jason Epstein on getting the Poor Richard Award from the New York Center for Independent Publishing. The award is named for Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanack. Epstein, a legend in the publishing world, created Anchor Books, launched the paperback revolution, cofounded the New York Review of Books, started the Library of America, and served as editorial director of Random House. His latest book is Eating: A Memoir.STILL EATING: Morton Zuckerman (left), owner of the New York Daily News, congratulates Jason Epstein on getting the Poor Richard Award from the New York Center for Independent Publishing. The award is named for Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanack. Epstein, a legend in the publishing world, created Anchor Books, launched the paperback revolution, cofounded the New York Review of Books, started the Library of America, and served as editorial director of Random House. His latest book is Eating: A Memoir.


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Pulling Teeth, Repairing Fixtures
All The Same For Uncle Milton

, a beloved orthodontist of Garden City, N.Y., died at age 89 on March 27 of Parkinson’s. He left countless relatives, friends and fellow World War Two veterans at the American Legion to grieve for him.

His nephew, James Joseph, an attorney, was quite eloquent, and funny, at the funeral. He was impressed with his uncle’s skills as "Mister Fixit."

As soon as he entered your home, Joseph related, Uncle Milton would instantly identify something that needed repair—and he’d get to work and fix it.

"He was a plumber, electrician, carpenter, landscaper and locksmith. It’s amazing what you learn at dental school."


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