15 Minutes Magazine - The Magazine of Society and Celebrity

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Official Magazine of the Next 15 Minutes


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Ben Brafman and Jeanine Pirro
Ben Brafman and Jeanine Pirro
Harriet Elisofon and Dr. Yashar Hirshaut
Harriet Elisofon and Dr. Yashar Hirshaut
Morris and Judy Sarna
Morris and Judy Sarna
Get Ben Brafman
If You Want Results

ARRIET ELISOFON, president of Israel Cancer Research Fund, called Ben Brafman, New York's most noted criminal defense attorney. She wanted him to invite Judge Jeanine Pirro, the former Westchester district attorney, to be an honoree at a "women of action" gala at the Jewish Museum.

"I'm the wrong person to ask her," Brafman said. "As a prosecutor, she always said no to me. As a judge, she always said no to me."

At the event, the judge was kind to Brafman. "He's one of those attorneys who actually wins cases," Pirro said.

He beamed as the judge added, "His anxiety is that no client ever goes to jail. His success is 100 percent."

After Peter Yarrow sang "Puff the Magic Dragon," Brafman said that reminded him of a client, Puff Daddy. "I'd go to his concerts and I'd hand out my card."

Charlotte Frank, senior vice president of McGraw-Hill Education, and Dr. Ruth Oratz of the Women's Oncology and Wellness Practice were honored along with the judge.




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