Robert Holcomb and Gov. Jon S. Corzine

Rabbi Marc Schneier and Gov. Corzine |

Rabbi Marc and Toby Schneier |

Itay Golan and Anna Tunkel, both of Israel |

Laith Al-Khouri of Jordan, Haress Ahmad of Afghanistan and Orren Karniol-Tambour of Israel |
Youth From Conflict Areas In Dialogue To Resolve Issues
Story by Nina Boxer Photos by Tim Boxer
EEDS of Peace was founded by the late John Wallach to bring
young people from areas of conflict in the Middle East and South
Asia to dialogue at a summer camp in the U.S. to try and resolve
the issues that divide them.
"It’s more than just a summer camp," said his wife and
co-founder, Janet Wallach about these face-to-face coexistence
programs. At the annual benefit dinner at the Plaza Hotel in New
York, she said these people work hard for peace.
The participants are called "seeds," but New Jersey Gov.
S. Corzine, who was honored for his role in youth empowerment,
said, "I can’t think of a more important title than peacemaker.
Nothing is more important than bringing us together.
"I have spent many hours and many days in the Middle East and
I have seen the heartbreak that exists between the two peoples.
There is nothing more important than framing these issues. We
need to be vigilant about all the conflicts in the world."
Several seeds were present at the dinner and spoke up about
the problems they face. Rashna Kharas of India said, "After
Mumbai, all of my friends kept asking me ‘What now?’"
If not for Seeds of Peace, she said, "I would not have had
the right answers."
Nizar Alwazir, a young seed from Gaza, said people are
desperate. "I believe what they need is people like us to keep
their spirits through hope."
Robert Holcomb, executive vice president of Seeds of Peace,
is at the helm of a very important initiative.