15 Minutes Magazine - The Magazine of Society and Celebrity

Celebrating Our 17TH Year!

Official Magazine of the Next 15 Minutes



Leica Goes To A Party
Tim Boxer and Leica Digilux 2

Gov. Eliot Spitzer and wife
Silda Wall

D.A. Robert Morgenthau and
Ingeborg Rennert

Dr. Ruth and the Governor

Ruth Gruber and the Governor

Howard Rubenstein, Bernard and
Anne Spitzer, and Gov. Eliot Spitzer

Governor Comes To Honor
His Parents At Heritage Fete

AN RATHER was impressed with the deference shown Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau at the Museum of Jewish Heritage 11th Annual Heritage Dinner.

"Has anyone ever called him anything other than Mr. Morgenthau?" he asked. "I think he was about six years when people started calling him Mr. Morgenthau."

New York Governor Eliot Spitzer said that when he worked in the district attorney’s office, everybody called Morgenthau "the boss."

John F. Kennedy Jr. was once a member of the office. He would say Bob.

"You mean Mr. Morgenthau," Spitzer said.

"Yes – Bob," Kennedy insisted.

Spitzer’s parents, Bernard and Anne Spitzer, were guests of honor at the dinner, which raised $2 million and attracted 400 guests, including PR guru Howard Rubenstein, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly, former Mayor David Dinkins, Michael Miller, Lt. Gov. David Paterson, author Ruth Gruber and Dr. Ruth Westheimer.


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