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Maj. Gen. Yaacov Amidror and Eugen Gluck

General Faults Generals
In War Against Hezbollah

Story and Photo by Tim Boxer

HE general who is leading an investigation of Israel’s campaign against Hezbollah in Lebanon last summer, said that he has "a feeling that down in the ranks there was no problem" with the way the IDF conducted the war.

"I hear only questions like, Why didn’t you let us fight? Why did you stop us?"

Yaacov Amidror, a major general in the reserves and a former director of the Intelligence Analysis Division, was the keynote speaker at the American Friends of Bet El Yeshiva Center’s 24th annual dinner at New York’s Marriott Marquis.

Longtime chairman Eugen Gluck honored Rabbi Dr. Yehuda Bohrer, Gail and Michael Weisbrod, Shulamis and David Teiler and Nechama Kapelyus. Over the years Gluck and his wife Jean have personally dedicated several school buildings in the city of Bet El, situated near Ramallah.

General Amidror said he was appointed by Chief of Staff Gen. Dan Halutz to examine Israel’s intelligence before and after the war. "There is no problem with the troops," he found. "They were ready to fight. The problem is with the high command."

On another note, he sees two main threats that Israel faces: a nuclear Iran that will change the whole situation in the Middle East, and a radical Islam that regards Israel as its No. 1 enemy. "We are facing a wave of radical Islam, one of whose bases is Hezbollah."

The problem, he said, is not land, not occupation, but "the mere existence of Israel as a Jewish state."

"When people ask if we can win the war against terrorism," he said, "the answer from the Israeli perspective is a clear yes."

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