Virginia Chipurnoi and Roberto Dutesco

Jackie Rogers

Adria de Haume

Harriette Rose Katz and Zoey

James Dadamo and Victoria Ashley

Horses of Sable Island
Attract Animal Supporters

Story by Roger Webster
Photos by L. Wigger/PMc

HOTOGRAPHER Roberto Dutesco hosted a benefit party for the Humane Society of New York at his downtown gallery for a private viewing of the Horses of Sable Island collection.

HSNY president Virginia Chipurnoi greeted guests including publishing whizzes Grace Mirabella, Jade Hobson and James Sheeran, Laurence Chipurrnoi and his daughter Sara Reeves, Michel Cox Witmer, Laurie Bodor, Steve Ernst, Elaine Sargent, Jennifer Dobbeck, Luigi Tadini, James Dadamo, Victoria Ashley, Peter Tunny and Amy Magee.

"It is a world that exists by its own rules," said Dutesco of Sable Island, the sandbar in Nova Scotia where the wild horses live. 

"A place without trees, without shade and without shelter, it is a place where I have witnessed true peace and unquestionable love among is occupants." 

Designer Adria de Haume, who has also been inspired by horses, talked about her new equestrian pieces with clothing designer Jackie Rogers, who is gearing up for her own fashion show at the Friars Club.

In the spacious gallery Myra Scheer, Mark Langrish, Ann Thomas, Roy Kean,  Mary McKenzie, realtor Dennis Karr and Lexie Rogers, enjoyed both the art and the wine donated by Michael George.

HSNY's Sandra DeFeo, Ann-Marie Karash and Susan Richmond mingled among the larger-than-life prints talking with Jonathan Taub, Chris Bolos, Dr. Eric Berger and Julie Hayek.

And of course there were animals: Toby Tobias III, a seven-year-old black terrier mix who is up for adoption greeted Lyn Paulsin and her Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Event planner Harriette Rose Katz and her little pup Zoey enjoyed Junia Nevia and her dapperly dressed Schnauzer.

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