Front Page

Dr. Byram T. and Sylvia Karasu

Dr. Spencer and Sandy Foreman

Peggy and David A. Tanner

Bonnie and Daniel R. Tisch

Board chairman Jay B. Langner,
president Dr. Spencer Foreman, and
trustee David A. Tanner

Karasu’s Accent On Humor
Raises $2 Mil For Hospital

Story by Tim Boxer
Photos by David X. Prutting

LAVISH video on the professional life of Dr. T. Byram Karasu preceded the awards presentation at the Montefiore Medical Center annual dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria. "I am Karasu," said the honoree, "and I approve this video. But it was too short!"

Karasu, the Dorothy and Marty Silverman professor and the university chairman at the department of psychiatry at Montefiore Medical Center and Albert Einstein College of Medicine, regaled the 1,300 black-tie guests with his Hungarian accented humor.

"People with thick accents should not give long speeches," he quipped.

Dr. Spencer Foreman, hospital president, made presentations to Karasu and to Karel Amaranth, executive director of the J.E. and Z.B. Butler Child Advocacy Center. He said the event raised $2 million for Montefiore.

Jay Langner welcomed David Tanner as his successor as the hospital’s chairman of the board. "It is an excellent choice – I chose him."

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