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Renato Danese, Phil Eagan and
Edward Callaghan

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Ed Broderick

Philip Eagan Photo Exhibit
Benefits Inner City School

Story and Photos by Edward T Callaghan

ALL STREETER Philip Eagan of Viking Capital shared with his friends another aspect of his considerable talents with a marvelously curated show of his recent photography at Chelsea’s well-respected Danese Gallery, home to such world-class artists as April Gornik, Hamish Fulton, Theresa Chong and Richard Serra.

Eagan, who has long spearheaded fundraising for his alma mater, the distinguished All Hallows High School, packed the airy gallery with fellow alumni and of course a strong contingent of financial district heavyweights.

Some three hundred supporters viewed his images, which includes majestic mountain vistas, architectural details of the entrance to the Papal apartment, a simple naturalistic study of a leaf on a birch tree, and graffiti painted walls.

The glicee prints on fine art paper with archival pigments are mounted on aluminum and floated on frosted gallery plexi with hidden braces that give the illusion of weightlessness – visions softly floating on the wall.

Sampling the elegant hors d’ouvres from Sonnier and Castle, underwritten by UBS, were MaryJane and Paul Krebs, president of All Hallows, Joseph Cositore, Bill Richards, John Gallagher, Linda Bialecki, Lee Davis, Lillian Seidman, Jennifer Adams, Paul & Meg Giroux.

There was a full compliment of Eagans on hand – wife Marjorie, sons Zeke and Joe, sisters Claire and Anne Marie – to support the artist. An elegant dinner in the tented garden of Chelsea hot spot Bottino followed the show.

All Hallows, founded in 1909 by the Congregation of Christian Brothers, is an inner city college preparatory school for young men. It is located in the Bronx, in the heart of one of America’s poorest communities. While the local New York City high school graduates less than 50 percent of its students, for the past seven yers All Hallows has sent 100 percent of its graduates to accredited four-year colleges, including the Ivy League, the U.S. military academies and other premier institutions.

To view the artist’s portfolio visit

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