DRESS FOR SUCCESS A City Of Lights Shines On Star Jones Reynolds Edward T. Callaghan Photos by Rob Rich N the glittering ballroom of the New York Marriott Marquis transformed for the evening into the City of Lights, a radiant and newly svelte Star Jones Reynolds received the first Woman of Achievement Award from Dress for Success (DFS). Joi Gordon, CEO of DFS that "suits" women for job interviews, helps them prepare resumes and find employment, presented the award to Reynolds for her longtime support. La Grande Dame of Paris, fashion guru Audrey Smaltz, founder of the Ground Crew, planned every detail of the evening that reflected Parisian chic in all ways from the garden setting entryway to the Eiffel Tower replica. Jamie Drake, clad in Dior Paris couture, oversaw the décor with great panache. Honorary chairs were Tommy Hilfiger, and music mogul Clarence Avant and his wife Jacquie. Lorraine Bracco, Bobbi Brown, Debbie Brooks, L. Marilyn Crawford, Mimi Reisner, Elena Kiam, Lu Willard, Constance White, Nurit Kahane, Stacey Schieffelin, Jane Tugiler, Lloyd Boston, Coleen Finn, Dyann Klein, Kimora Lee and Russell Simmons were among the committee members who helped pack the grand ballroom to overflowing. Longtime supporters Kerastase of Paris and Chantelle received Corporate Citizenship Awards from the organization. Fed Ex and Dress Barn were premiere sponsors and Props for Today provided the elegant appointments for the evening. Besides Reynolds’ moving acceptance speech, other highlights of the evening included a powerful performance by the ARC Choir and the video clips featuring many of the women helped by DFS, which now operates in 78 cities in the U.S., Great Britain and Canada. Other guests included Lisa Cabrera of Fox 5 with dashing actor Bobby Abid, Gail Marquis, Susan Fales Hill, Rocky and Keiko Aoki plus some 600 more glamorous fashion and business leaders. |