Richard Hirsch and Efraim Halevy

Efraim Halevy with Joseph and
Beatrice Malovany

Elaine and Richard Hirsch (from left, top to
bottom), Normand and Jean Lindenbaum,
and Michelle and David Hirsch

Ex-Spy: We Are In
A Third World War

Text and Photos by Tim Boxer

FORMER chief of Israel’s Mossad warned, "We are in the throes of a Third World War." Efraim Halevy, now head of the Center for Strategic and Policy Studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, added, "It is not a conventional war against armies with planes, ships and tanks. It is a different kind of war."

He spoke at a dinner for Israel Bonds at the Fifth Avenue Synagogue in New York where he introduced his memoir, Man in the Shadows: Inside the Middle East Crisis with a Man Who Led the Mossad (St. Martin’s, 304 pages, $24.95).

Halevy cited three main threats to world stability emanating from the Middle East: international Muslim terror, weapons of mass destruction, and the rising price of oil.

Because of these threats to democracy and the free world, he cautioned the U.S. to be on guard and expect further strikes by Muslim terrorists in the wake of their surprise attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

It took the tragedy of 9/11 to rally the nation to war, he said. It also took a tragedy to arouse this country in the Second World War, too.

"Even while the Nazi war machine rolled over Europe, causing havoc and destruction in its path, the United States stood back. It was not until Pearl Harbor that the nation was spurred into action."

Halevy called this a failure of democracy. "We have not yet found a remedy for this problem."

The dinner honored the synagogue’s cantor of 32 years, Joseph Malovany, and his wife Beatrice. Dinner chairman Richard L. Hirsch welcomed 105 guests who purchased $2.5 million of Israel Bonds.

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