Leica Goes To A Party
Tim Boxer and Leica Digilux 2

Meredith and Tom Brokaw

Jane and Morley Safer of 60 Minutes

Anna and Graydon Carter of Vanity Fair

David Dinkins with Veronica and
Ray Kelly, NYPD comissioner

Lloyd Grove of the Daily News and
Ashley Stachowski with Calvin Trillin

Meredith and Tom Brokaw with Osborn
and Inger Elliott

New Yorkers Honored
For Community Service

ORE than $1.4 million was raised at a Citizens for NYC gala at the Waldorf-Astoria where former NBC news anchor Tom Brokaw received the Patrick Daniel Moynihan Medal for Lifetime Public Service. Osborn Elliott, the organization’s founding chairman and former Newsweek editor in chief, made the presentation.

Peter Kostmayer, the organization’s new president, was a witty emcee. "After having served 14 years in Congress," he said, " I can speak about anything, including things I know nothing about."

Other worthies recognized for their commitment to improving New York neighborhoods included actor Andre De Shields, Nurah W. Ammat’ullah of the Muslim Women’s Institute for Research and Development, Clyde Evans of Rise Up & Walk Youth Outreach Center, Rossana Rosado and eldiario/La Prensa, Graydon Carter of Vanity Fair, Stephen J. Dannhauser, chairman of Weil, Gotshal & Manges global law firm, and Michael C. Slocum, CEO of Wachovia’s Atlantic region.


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