It’s All Happening In The Big Apple SCAR winner and perennial Pretty Woman Julia Roberts made her first post-baby performance at benefit for the Hole in the Wall Gang. Alongside founder Paul Newman, Julia lit up the room with her smile, proudly showing everyone photos of her darling twins. Oscar winner Robin Williams had the crowd in stitches. One of Italy’s most venerable names, Cipriani, owns some of the hottest hotspots in New York. Cipriani’s Wall Street is an opulent building in the heart of the moneymakers. It was America’s first Customs House, so the design is eight-story high ceilings, marble everything, and the most fun music series in New York. Ivanka Trump is taking her place on the charity scene in New York, heading a Young Friends of the New York Pops Gala recently. The lovely, lissome beauty is now an Apprentice in her father’s fabled company. Joining Ivanka was famed jeweler Pascal Mouawad. Not content with developing the family business in the U.S. Pascal has made a name for himself as creator of the fabled Victoria’s Secret $15 million dollar bra. This year, the drop dead garment is worn by the beauteous Gisele Bundchen. The power of women was on display at the Waldorf-Astoria where the Center for the Advancement of Women held its annual gala. Three women were honored for having "changed the landscape of the world on behalf of all women!" Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, first head of a major Hollywood Studio Sherry Lansing (remember Godfather I, II, III?), and feminist activist and author Gloria Steinam, who delighted us all with her proclamation "I’m 71! Get over it." Dr. Ruth Westheimer and CAW founder Faye Wattleton rounded out this powerful group who have inspired all women. People envy Denise Rich for all her wealth, but this is a woman who has known immense personal tragedy, and gives from the bottom of her beautiful heart and soul to many causes. Here we are plotting for the annual music & love fest – the G&P Angel Ball. TTFN (in England that means "Ta Ta for now!"). |