Arlene Dahl and Carol McCarthy |  Alex Donner and Joan Collins |  Andrea Robinson and Marc Rosen |  Angela and Sacha Newley | PRATT INSTITUTE Joan Collins Helms Gala For Fragrance Industry Story by Roger Webster Photos by Rob Rich HE fragrance industry celebrated the sixteenth annual Art of Packaging awards, raising a record $350,000 for the Marc Rosen Scholarship at Pratt Institute. Joan Collins stepped in as emcee at the last minute when Liza Minnelli got the flu. Pratt president Dr. Thomas Schutte, Luxe Pack president Pierre-Yves Maisonneuve, and Marc Rosen, the extraordinary perfume bottle designer who teaches his art at a Pratt master class, were the hosts. This year’s honoree, Neil Fiske, CEO of Bath and Body Works and author of Trading Up, was introduced by his executive vice president Camille McDonald. The scholarship winners represented the international component of Rosen’s graduate course: Ki Man Bae, Amie I. Lin, Annah Syta and Se Ra Yoon. Among the guests were Joan’s husband Percy Gibson, and son Sacha Newley with his wife Angela; Arlene Dahl with her gorgeous children Christopher Barker and Carol McCarthy; last year’s winner Andrea Robinson, CMO of Estee Lauder. Also Donald Stannard, Susan Wells, Natasha Nicholson, Laura and Harry Slatkin, Patricia Hynes, Scott Kestenbaum, Annette Green, Chad Lavigne, Pamela Vaile, Robert MacDonald, Kaye Karch, Kathryn Grace, Debra Butler, Rhona Stokols, Maria Corbiscello, Tara Kraft, Maureen Case, Stephanie Longworth, Lauren Welser, Scheherazade Chamlou, Maude Perreaudin, Diane Crecca, Kate Greene, Alison Chaneski and scribes CJ Satterwhite and Jason Grant. |