Doris and Mel Atlas, who is
American Friends chairman

Christo and Jeanne-Claude pay
tribute to Israeli artist
Menashe Kadishman

Jerome Stern and Stanley Batkin,
honorary chairman of the
American Friends

Menashe Kadishman and fellow
honoree Gerard Daniel

Israeli Ambassador to
UN Dan Gillerman rests on the lap
of shipping magnate Sammy Ofer
to the delight of Stanley Batkin and
museum director/chief curator
Mordechai Omer

It’s His Sculpture So
He Can If He Wants To

Story and Photos by Tim Boxer

SRAELI artist Menashe Kadishman, 72, once sold a sculpture to a gentleman in the Hamptons. He wanted to see it displayed so Jerome Stern picked him up in a Fiat. The plump artist was double the weight then, but he managed to squeeze into the car.

“I knew he had to go to the bathroom, but he said he’d wait,” Stern related at a dinner of American Friends of the Tel Aviv Museum that honored Kadishman as artist of the year.

“It took three hours to get to the estate on Dune Road ,” said Stern, who was honorary dinner co-chair with his wife Ellen.

“We got out – actually I pulled him out – and he stood in front of the sculpture, unzipped his pants and went wee wee.”

The Chinese houseman ran out shouting, “What are you doing?”

Menashe waved him off: “It’s my sculpture!”

Mel Atlas and Lillian Heidenberg served as co-chairs; Ellen and Jerome Stern were honorary chairpersons of the Gala of the Arts dinner at the St. Regis in New York. The event also honored Ruth and Gerard Daniel as patrons of the arts.

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