Leica Goes To A Party
Tim Boxer and Leica Digilux 1

Ilana Harkavi, owner of Il Makiage
makeup center in Manhattan (left),
and wig creator Georgie know how
to have a good time

Sam Domb makes a point with
Rabbi Marc Schneier

Jerome Stern with Robert and
Diane Abrams

Jeffrey and Cynthia Wiesenfeld

Jason Finkelstein of Robert Haft
International consulting firm, who
was last summer’s rabbinic intern,
demonstrates remarkable dance

They Boogie In Bedouin Tent
To Aid Children’s Education

NE way to cap the summer season is to pitch a mammoth Bedouin tent where 500 festively attired revelers could boogie to the hot desert beat of the Sheva Orchestra from Israel.

Actually they were celebrating the start of a $3 million campaign for the Hampton Synagogue’s proposed children’s educational center.

The synagogue’s founding rabbi, Marc Schneier, said, "We will dedicate the children’s center to the 1.5 million children of the Holocaust. There is no Holocaust memorial in the Hamptons. This is the least we owe them."

Israeli consul general Arye Mekel and his wife Ruth were fascinated as Jerome Stern, Sam Domb, Jeffrey Wiesenfeld, Robert Abrams and other devoted supporters jammed the dance floor to hop, skip and jump.

Even the rabbi got up to show his awesome hoofing maneuvers.

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