Catherine Saxton
Photos by Rob Rich

Hugh Jackman in Oz

The Boy Is A Wow!

Y most memorable evening last month was The Boy From Oz!  Wow! It leaves you breathless, humming and whistling, being overwhelmed by the huge talent that is Hugh Jackman!

We always wonder what is it that makes a star bigger, greater, more magical than others. See this show before he leaves it and you'll have your answer.

From the moment he steps on stage, it lights up.  You're aware of his every move (and boy, he has some sexy ones!).  There is that boyishness, gosh/golly, why am I here, a great voice, supple dancing, acting that makes even him cry. And at the end a standing screaming audience in rapture.  This is a must-see on Broadway.

Meryl Streep and Kevin Kline

Mary Louise Parker and
Cynthia Rowley

Harvey Weinstein and
Rose Styron

Power Of Poetry

Photos by Patrick McMullan

NOTHER evening of twinkling stars was the American Academy of Poets reading at Lincoln Center. Meryl Streep, Kevin Kline, Mary Louise Parker headlined a fabulous evening, and held the audience in their hands with a very broad selection of great poetry.

Wynton Marsalis captured the magic with his lyrical "horn," as well as a cappella rendition of John Henry, which resonated with power.

If possible, with all this talent on stage, it was the voice of a much beloved First Lady to her young husband still to become President John Kennedy, which captured the echoing power of poetry.

Jacqueline Kennedy sent a poem to then Senator Kennedy on their first wedding anniversary, which in the light of history profoundly captured the magic and heartache the nation had in store.

Senator Edward Kennedy, with his strong oratorical basso profundo and a tip of his hat to Caroline Kennedy in the audience, read the poem to a teary audience.  It was a poetic moment in time, and a great evening.

Marty Richards, Caroline Hirsch,
Louis J. Cappelli, and Tony Cointreau

Tony Cointreau and Carmen Dell' Orefice

Joy Behar, Caroline Hirsch,
Brother D'Adamo

Diana Williams, Brother D'Adamo,
Pia Lindstrom

Ball Of The Year

Photos by Rob Rich

ARTY RICHARDS and Caroline Hirsch receive many well-deserved honors, and were genuinely moved to receive Humanitarian of the Year Award and Woman of the Year Award from the Boys' Town of Italy in glittery ceremonies at the Waldorf-Astoria.

It was the 59th year for this Ball of the Year.

Tony Cointreau and Louis J. Cappelli were also honored by this group which received some new refugee children from Afghanistan, with the expectation that Iraqi children will soon follow.

Dennis Basso, Joy Behar, Carmen Dell’ Orefice and Mercedes Ellington were among the cheerers!  WABC-TV's Diana Williams did the MCing honors.

Bobbi Brown

Evelyn and Leonard Lauder

April Fools

Photos by Rob Rich

HE March of Dimes Beauty Ball is one of New York’s most glamorous events.  This year's honoree, makeup queen Bobbi Brown, loves the beach so the venerable Grand Ballroom of the Waldorf-Astoria resembled a giant beach patio—swaying (well, not really) palm trees, salt water taffy, beads and funny lips all added up to an evening’s fun.

Bobbi rocked the ballroom when she announced her retirement—to stunned silence.  Then burst into gales of laughter—April  Fools Day!

The last laugh was enjoyed by all with the overflowing goodie bags!

Catherine Saxton has been a part of the New York social and celebrity scene for
the past 25 years. She has worked with Presidents, Kings and Princes,
plus celebrities including Elizabeth Taylor, Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly,
Donald & Ivana Trump, Madonna, and on, and on.

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