Morton Klein, Tom DeLay and Eugen Gluck

Mom Said To Get Into
A Lifelong Profession

ORTON KLEIN’S mother once gave him advice for his life’s journey: choose a career that guarantees a lifetime of work. She probably meant doctor or lawyer. In any event, he took her advice. As president of the Zionist Organization of America, he has a job concerned with the Israel-Arab conflict.

Klein and journalist Joseph Farah were the opening acts for the evening’s star – House majority leader Tom DeLay – at the ZOA annual dinner at the New York Hilton.

In a rousing oration, which stirred his audience to incessant cheering, Klein declared his unwavering opposition to a Palestinian state on the West Bank and Gaza.

“We must terminate terrorist states, not create new ones.”

Actually, he said, there is no Arab-Israel conflict. “This is a religious war. The Muslims are murdering Christians as well as Jews.“

Farah, a Christian Arab and editor of, accused the New York Times of ignoring historical facts. He said the paper refuses to ascribe a Jewish historical presence to the Temple Mount, and the Associated Press has followed suit.

“Journalism today is not about the search for truth,” Farah said. “It’s about balancing views. The more outrageous the claims of the Arabs, the more the truth is skewered in the media.”

Farah was applauded heartily by 689 guests, including Steven Emerson, Morris Amitay, Rabbis Ephraim Buchwald and Shmuley Boteach, Hebron spokesperson David Wilder, Englewood Mayor Michael Wildes, Dr. Joseph Frager of Jerusalem Reclamation Project and Irwin Hochberg.

Not to be outdone in the applause factor, DeLay, the Republican representative from Texas, launched a pro-Zionist speech that brought the dinner guests to their feet.

“When I was standing on the Golan and looked south, I did not see occupied territories – I saw Israel.”

Acknowledging that the U.S. is often accused of obsessive bias for Israel, DeLay said “our bias saved Europe twice in the last century. We have bias for countries of freedom.”

As for a peace process, DeLay said Israel should not negotiate with terrorists. “As long as Palestinians pursue a policy to destroy Israel, there is nothing to negotiate.”

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