Main Events

Mel Parness greeting Mayor
Benny Kashriel of Maaleh Adumim

Alan Hevesi, New York state
comptroller, Presidents Conference
executive vice chairman
Malcolm Hoenlein, and Israel Bonds
president Joshua Matza

Michael Lazar honors
Harvey Goldfarb at dinner

Living By The Numbers
When You’re Married Man

Story and Photos by Tim Boxer

AALEH ADUMIM Mayor Benny Kashriel was elated with one part of the freelance Geneva peace proposal between Labor members and Palestinians. The plan calls for Israel to give up east Jerusalem, part of the Negev and all of the disputed territories – except certain West Bank cities such as Maaleh Adumim.

“I am going to use this with our prime minister,” Kashriel declared, “that even though we are situated in the territories, we are absolutely part of Israel.”

Kashriel revealed that his town continues to expand, with the current population of 32,000 expected to reach 42,000 in five years. “The prime minister told us to build quietly—not to announce it.”

The mayor addressed a Bnai Zion dinner in New York at which president Michael Lazar honored insurance broker Harvey Goldfarb.

New York State Comptroller Alan Hevesi, the former Bnai Zion president, said he asked a friend the secret of his 40-year marriage.

The friend said that 40 years ago he took his bride on a honeymoon in Chile. They were riding on mules up the mountain. Her mule stumbled and she said, “That’s one.” The mule stumbled again. “That’s two.” Again the mule stumbled.  “That’s three,” and she shot the animal.

“That’s terrible!” the husband reprimanded her. “How can you do such a thing?”

“That’s one.”

Main Events

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