| |  | Society Catherine Saxton | | Photos by Rob Rich | | Children’s Advocacy Center of Manhattan | Edwin Gould Services for Children | Apple Care Foundation | |  Denise Rich, Marty Richards, Michele Rella and Michele Herbert |  Lyn Paulsin, Lauren Vernon, Marty Richards and Joanne Cassullo | Everyone Loves Marty Especially the Women ARTY RICHARDS, Oscar winner for Chicago and one of the most beloved figures in show business, New York, Hollywood and the world at large, was feted by some of his most devoted women admirers. The Children’s Advocacy Center of Manhattan honored Marty, its founder, at a luncheon celebration at the Four Seasons. The hosts were Michele Herbert, Anne Keating, Jewell Jackson McCabe, Nancy Novogrod, Lyn Paulsin, Katie Jacobs Robinson, Carolyne Roehm and Lauren Vanoni Vernon. The Children’s Advocacy Center of Manhattan is a free clinic offering medical and psychological assessment and treatment to abused or neglected children, while also spreading child abuse awareness to children, parents and the public. Marty is its dedicated leader, passionate about helping the children. In turn, everyone who is passionate about Marty is willing to help. There was a lot of love in that room, but there always is when Marty's around! | [ Back to Top ] | |  Charles Evans and Bonnie Pfeiffer |  Stewart and Bonnie Lane |  Aiden Turner, Allison Weiss and Moby | Artrageous Auction for a Cause RTRAGEOUS PART II—oh, you just should have been there! Part II of the fantastic Artrageous benefit for the Edwin Gould Services for Children and Families was breathtaking. The hot new venue Capitale, at Bowery and Grand, is a breathtaking old bank building with three-story ceilings, marble columns and pillars, marble floors, gold leaf walls and an up-to-the minute state of the art sound system. The guests, pouring into the building, promptly began bidding on the silent auction. These are the paintings the children and famous artists created at Artrageous Part I (reported in last month's column). Proud parents were there by the score, and the bidding went higher and higher. Buyers were interested in the professional artists, their work, and its increasing value. Parents were interested in their kids’ work and willing to outbid anyone making a run on their kids’ painting. Proud dad Ian Schrager gave carte blanche to Elizabeth Fekkai on the painting his child did with Jeff Koons. At $35,000 it was the night's big winner. When it's worth 10 times that, Schrager will have made another profitable investment. During dinner a Cirque du Soleil high-wire artist took everyone's breath away, Sasha Lazard entertained, food, wine and a good time flowed freely - and a very good time was had by all. Next year you must buy your ticket! | [ Back to Top ] | |  Steven Hochberg and Dr. Judy Kurianski |  Ivana Trump and Boaz Mazor |  Dr. Angelo Acquista and Chevy Chase |  Greta Cavazzoni and Count Roffredo Gaetani |  Judy and Rod Gilbert | Fun for Worthy Benefit HE Apple Care gala was a celebrity-packed evening with FUN being the operative word. "Our subject is sooo serious, we didn't want to frighten people away, so we created a really FUN evening," Dr. Angelo Acquista told the gathered 400-plus guests at Cipriani 42nd Street. Dr. Acquista and businessman Steven Hochberg, along with former Governor Hugh L. Carey and socialite Laura Steinberg, created the Apple Care Foundation. It raises money to increase public education, awareness and knowledge of the current scourge of the 21st century—biological, nuclear and chemical warfare, mishaps and terror attacks. Comedian Chevy Chase had the room in stitches when he went to the podium in a surgical mask! A five-minute shtick on the terrors of terrorism reminded the guests that he is one of America's funniest jokesters. Because the subject was so serious the gala committee decided to create a party to have fun! So, it was a wild fabulous disco dancing evening with famed DJ Tom Finn of the legendary Studio 54 fame to spin the vinyl (well, okay, CDs nowadays). The Calibro 9 band flew in from Milan to entertain the guests, and as many Italians filled the audience the revelry was loud, boisterous and in a foreign language! Ivana Trump, Nikki Haskell, Count Roffredo Gaetani, Denise Rich, Sheila Rosenblum, Jeffrey Steiner, Julian Steinberg, Ranger legend Rod Gilbert and wife Judy, and a ton of others filled the glamorous Cipriani to the rafters. And a fabulous time was had by all...and money raised for a worthy cause. | | Catherine Saxton has been a part of the New York social and celebrity scene for the past 25 years. She has worked with Presidents, Kings and Princes, plus celebrities including Elizabeth Taylor, Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, Donald & Ivana Trump, Madonna, and on, and on. | | [ Back to Top ] | 
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