Ann Harris receives Woman of
Achievement Award from
Floyd Abrams.

Women of Achievement
Lunch to Fight Cancer

Photos by Sharon Stern

ENOWNED civil rights attorney Floyd Abrams stood in for his son. Dan Abrams was set to emcee a luncheon for Israel Cancer Research Fund at New York’s Pierre Hotel. But at that very hour he began a new assignment as anchor of MSNBC afternoon news.

Floyd Abrams helped ICRF president Dr. Yashar Hirshaut and chairman Leah Susskind present Women of Achievement Awards to five deserving individuals:

Ann Harris, vice president and executive editor for the Bantam Dell Publishing Group at Random House.

Carole Basri, University of Pennsylvania law professor.

Wilma J. Friedman, professor at Rutgers biological sciences department.

Janice Lieberman, NBC’s Today Show consumer correspondent.

Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney of New York’s 14th District.

Lieberman said her father, who retired as a gastroenterologist at age 75, is struggling with liver cancer.

Basri is corporate law columnist for the New York Law Journal. She serves on the executive boards of the American Sephardic Federation and Sephardic House.

Floyd Abrams (l-r), ICRF chairperson
Leah Susskind, ICRF president
Dr. Yashar Hirshaut and
Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney.

Her father was a doctor who succumbed to cancer. Both her brothers are doctors.

An Iraqi Jew, she is also the alternative representative to the United Nations for the World Organization of Jews from Arab Countries.

“It’s important to tell about the Jewish refugees from Arab countries who were twice the number of the Palestinian refugees,” she said.

“They did not get any money, unlike the funds that went to the Palestinian refugees.

“Their children made successful lives for themselves – they did not become suicide bombers and terrorists.”

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