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Leroy Neiman presents
George Kalinsky with a picture honoring
Rabbi Joseph Potasnik as a NY Fire
Department chaplain.

George Kalinsky Honored
For Photo Book on Rabbis

EW YORK Board of Rabbis honored George Kalinsky, official photographer at Madison Square Garden, at its Sukkah in the Sky reception.

Held in the highest sukkah in the world, on top of the Grace Building in midtown Manhattan, the reception provides an opportunity each year to honor a lay person who has made a major contribution in fostering appreciation for the role of the rabbinate within the general community.

Kalinsky, the 2001 PMDA International Photographer of the Year, created a book, Rabbis: The Many Faces of Judaism, which has been widely acclaimed.  His images captured the essence of one hundred rabbis around the world.

The book includes portraits of Rabbi Alvin Kass, Chief Chaplain of the New York Police Dept.; Rabbi Eliezer Brooks of Cong. Boneh Y'rushalayim., and Rabbi Joseph Potasnik, president of the New York Board of Rabbis and a chaplain of the New York Fire Department.

 Kalinsky spoke about the spiritual font from which he draws inspiration, and shared his profound respect for the important roles that rabbis undertake.

Rabbi Joseph Potasnik (left), Pres. of
the NY Bd. of Rabbis, presents
George Kalinsky with a special Sukkot
etrog box and lulav holder.
June Azoulay Kalinsky stands next to
her husband.

Kalinsky was presented with a special etrog box, in honor of the holiday of Sukkot, since the etrog is a fruit whose beautiful traits and captivating taste give it a central role in the religious observance of Sukkot.

 Many associates of Madison Square Garden, Cablevision and the sports world came to pay tribute to Kalinsky, including the New York Knicks famed basketball star Willis Reed.

Leroy Neiman presented a special painting to the New York Board of Rabbis to honor the firefighters who were the heroes of 9/11.

The New York Board of Rabbis was founded in 1881 by six rabbis of different religious trends who sought to transcend philosophical differences and create an atmosphere of fellowship and harmony between rabbis of various persuasions.

Today, the Board consists of over 800 Conservative, Orthodox, Reconstructionist and Reform rabbis throughout the world.  The Board furnishes chaplains for city, county and state hospitals, and nursing care, mental health and correctional institutions. It conducts television and radio programs and helps maintain the International Synagogue at Kennedy Airport.

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