Main Events

Fashion show model
Jasmine Aghravi.

Rabbi Marc Schneier Welcomes
Mayor of Netanya at Luncheon

ERRY KENNEDY CUOMO told a story about the Baal Shem Tov visiting hell. He saw a long table covered with tons of sumptuous food. People were sitting on opposite sides, slowly starving away. Their arms were locked at the elbows so they couldn’t feed themselves.

Then the Hasidic founder went to heaven where he saw a similar long table with abundant food. Here too people on opposite sides, their arms locked at the elbows. But no one was starving. They reached out and fed each other.

“That’s what WIZO does,” Cuomo declared.

Cuomo addressed the New York Dor Hadash chapter of the Women’s International Zionist Organization at a luncheon in the Pierre Hotel chaired by Rabbi Marc and Toby Schneier. Bloomingdale’s provided the gear for an exciting fashion show with very young models.

Kerry Kennedy Cuomo

WIZO, established in 1920, serves woman and children around the globe, especially in Israel, with its network of daycare centers, therapeutic child centers, halfway homes for teenage girls, and legal advice bureaus.

Guest speaker Mayor Miriam Fierberg of Natanya called it “the most beautiful town in Israel – next to Jerusalem.”

She said there’s been a dozen terror attacks in her town. It is located on the coast, not far from the Arab city of Tulkarm. “They like to come here and blow themselves up in the streets,” she said.

This is the first time she has left Netanya in two years. “Every day we get a warning of another terrorist coming. You’re afraid to use the bus or go to the marketplace.

Rabbi Marc Schneier, WIZO USA president
Evelyn Sommer, Toby Schneier and
Dor Hadash chapter chair Gail Perl.

“We keep the house clean because we don’t know if people won’t come to pay a condolence call. This is the way we’ve been living for two years.”

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