Main Events

Dr. Robert E. Wittes, MSKCC
Dr. and Mrs. Alan N. Houghton

Deserving Individuals Get
Awards for Excellence

Story by Roger Webster
Photos by Mary Hilliard

HE Society of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center presented their 2002 Awards for Excellence at a black-tie dinner/dance for 250 guests at the Plaza Hotel. The event raised $740,000 to support the society’s patient care and environmental projects as well as its research and education programs.

Sandy Warner presented the 2002 Award for Excellence in Corporate Leadership to Louis V. Gerstner, Jr., IBM chairman and chief executive officer.

Dr. Harold Varmus, president and CEO of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, presented the 2002 Award for Excellence in Medicine to Dr. Alan N. Houghton,  chairman of MSKCC’s Immunology Department and chief of the Clinical Immunology Service.

Joan Rivers and Carroll Petrie

The Society’s president Laurie Carson presented the Award for Excellence in Philanthropy to Carroll Petrie, a member of The Society’s advisory council and served a member of MSKCC’s board of overseers since 1982 and board of managers since 1984.

In 1983, Carroll and her late husband Milton endowed the Carroll and Milton Petrie Magnetic Resonance Imaging Unit and the Carroll and Milton Petrie Chair.

The elegant evening, produced by Susan Bell Events, was enhanced by the music of Bob Hardwick’s orchestra. There were party favors by Chanel and the engraved silver award trays were by Asprey & Garrard.

Co-chair Coco Kopelman noted the work the volunteers and members do throughout the hospital and the fundraising that was able to provide for such things as the recent renovation of the patient waiting rooms.

Patsy Warner, Laurie Carson and
Coco Kopelman.

Co-Chair Patsy Warner commented on the charming spring flower gardens Ron Wendt designed for each table. She said the daffodils would be sent over to Bette Midler’s New York Restoration Project to be planted around the city.

Main Events

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