Daniel R. Tishman (left), Israel Bonds
real estate division chairman, and Israel
Bonds board chairman
Burton P. Resnick (right) congratulate
Scott Rechler as guest of honor.

Real Estate Heavies Cited
For Investments in Israel

By Tim Boxer

ALCOLM HOENLEIN, executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish organizations, said he called Israel.

“In a word, how’s the situation there?” he asked.

“Good,” his friend answered.

“Okay, in two words.”

“Not good.”

Scott Rechler (center) receives
Israel Peace Medal from Israel
Bonds luncheon chairmen
Peter S. Kalikow (left) and
Lewis Ranieri.

That got a chuckle from the real estate crowd at an Israel Bonds luncheon of the Real Estate and Construction Division at the Pierre Hotel in New York. The event raised $30.1 million.

Peter Kalikow, Lewis Ranieri and Daniel Tishman presented the organization’s Israel Peace Medal to Scott Rechler, co-ceo of Reckson Associates Realty Corp. They also gave a citation to Stephen Karafiol of Bloomberg LP.

At the calling of the cards, one gentleman pledged two zero coupon bonds for his two children.

Stephen R. Karafiol (right) accepts
Max J. Feld Real Estate Industry
Achievement Award at Israel Bonds
luncheon from Daniel R. Tishman.

“Get more children,” said Israel Bonds board chairman Burton Resnick.

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