Arafat Not YaSir
In Quest for Peace

By Tim Boxer

ICHARD HOLBROOKE, the former UN ambassador who was chief architect of the 1995 Dayton Peace Agreement that ended the war in Bosnia, is not confident of prospects for peace in the Middle East.

In fact, to push for a settlement at this time between Israelis and Palestinians will actually be perceived as a victory for the terrorists.

Arafat isn’t ready to make a deal,” he stated bluntly.

“It is not possible to make peace with him. He is a revolutionary. I don’t think he can make a deal. It doesn’t matter if it’s with Shimon Peres or Ariel Sharon or anyone else.”

Addressing a UJA-Federation of New York women’s campaign luncheon at the Pierre Hotel, Holbrooke took a swipe at President Bush favoring a Palestinian state.

“Any change in our support for Israel will be interpreted as support for terrorism. If we falter in our support for Israel, it will get worse. If we have differences with Israel, those have to be dealt with in private.”

Luncheon chair Renate Zimet opened the program. Campaign chair Joan Ginsburg welcomed new supporters of the women’s campaign. Campaign president Lynn Tobias introduced the guest speaker, mentioning also that his wife, Kati Marton, is the author of a new book, Hidden Power, now on the New York Times bestseller list.

“So buy the book!” Holbrook told the ladies at lunch. Now that’s a supportive spouse!



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