Rabbi Arthur Schneier (from left),
John Whitehead, and Han Seun-soo and

Mayor Rudy Encourages
Getting Back To Business

Story and Photos by TIM BOXER

HERE was talk of postponing the Appeal of Conscience Foundation’s annual awards dinner scheduled two weeks after the World Trade Center attack of September 11. The dinner, which attracted 650 guests, went on at the New York Marriott Marquis where Gov. George Pataki praised the decision of Rabbi Arthur Schneier, foundation president, to proceed as planned.

“The best thing to do,” Pataki said, “is not let those criminal cowards scare us away from our freedoms.”

Rudy Giuliani, who dropped by with the governor, said he had attended every firefighter’s funeral since becoming mayor. Now he can’t. “There’s been two or three at the same time.”

He was at Shea Stadium for a Mets game. Whenever he goes there people yell at him: “Get outta here, you Yankee bum!”

This time, even though he’s “an out-of-control Yankee fan,” everyone applauded.

“I’ll know things are back to normal when they boo me again,” he said with a wide grin.

Henry Kissinger and
Heinrich v. Pierer of Siemens AG.

Calling Schneier “a remarkable leader for people of all religions,” Giuliani also approved his decision to go ahead with the dinner.

“We should go about our business – and make sure the Yankees win the World Series.”

The dinner honored President Kim Dae-jung of South Korea with the World Statesman Award and Heinrich v. Pierer, president/ceo of Siemens, the German conglomerate, with the Appeal of Conscience Award.

As the opening of UN General Assembly was postponed, Dae-jung did not come to New York. Standing in for him was Foreign Minister Han Seung-soo, the newly elected president of the General Assembly.

UN secretary general Kofi Annan said that his Moslem friends “cringe” when they hear that people are killing in the name of Islam.

John Whitehead, former deputy secretary of state, introduced Henry Kissinger: “There is no one who needs an introduction less but enjoys it more.”

George Pataki, John Whitehead,
Rabbi Arthur Schneier and
Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
Photo by Nina Boxer

The former secretary of state said that since terrorists cannot survive without state backing, the objective of the international coalition should be twofold: “cut off financial support and limit the travel of people from countries that support terrorism.”

Rev. Joseph O’Hare S.J., president of Fordham University and vice president of the Appeal of Conscience Foundation, offered prayers for the victims of the terrorist attack on America. Archbishop Demetrios of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America gave the benediction.

Rabbi Schneier announced that the foundation has established a four-year college scholarship for the children of a firefighter and police officer who lost their lives in the World Trade Center tragedy.

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