Abe Hirschfeld Accuses False Friends
and Deceitful Lawyers for Downfall

Abe Writes to Judge From Prison

June 3, 2001

Judge Diane A. Lebedeff
New York State Supreme Court
New York NY 10007

Dear Judge Lebedeff:

It is Sunday 4:30 a.m. and I could not sleep. I felt that I owe you the biggest thanks in the history of my life.

Among the hundreds of Jokes that I have. I produced with Jackie Mason show his biggest hit that made him the biggest comedian on Broadway in my show Love Thy Neighbor.

I am the only one that knew and nobody knew the answer to a mathematical puzzle. Why are women by far more honest, polite, organized, etc.? Why, why, why? Nobody knew.

I used to tell them the jail members can prove this. Why, why, why? Because the jail population is maybe 90 to 95 percent men, and maybe 5 to 10 percent women.

The enclosed press release and the stages were supposed to go to the PR guy on May 29, 2001. You resignation stopped me from sending it because your name was there.

However, of all the judges, only Judge Allen and yourself permitted me to represent myself pro se.

The first spark in my life came in the last two months. The first was Chris Lynn; the second was Judge Lebedeff.

The Stahl and Czaja plan maligning me started 25 years ago by Stahl and Czaja and their legal mafia.

I only graduated from the fifth grade. That is all my education; I didn’t need more.

Ethel Kennedy’s letter explains it. I single handedly elected two Presidents, Carter and George W. Bush. Also two Governors, Hugh Carey and George Pataki, and defeated D’Amato.

Now my student, Randy Daniels, became Secretary of State of New York. I never lost one election in this battle so far.

There are at least 30 judges and maybe 10 lawyers involved in the hostile stealing of the properties. They stole over two billion dollars of prime New York properties – the Ansonia Hotel, 277 Park Avenue, Apple Bank – all in hostile takeovers. (See New York Times’ Stahl obituary.)

Only one honorable honest Judge Wilk and four lady judges – Judge Silverman, Judge Lebedeff, Judge Gangel-Jacob, and Judge Abdus Sallam.

The one man, the first honest lawyer is Chris Lynn. You may be surprised to see yourself as the first Vice President of the United States or Governor of New York.

Judge Lebedeff, I could not trust anybody in my office. They are all bribed. For the benefit of the United States, I would like to keep the press release and the last stages secret.

So if you feel I permit you to meet or send copies to the four women and Chris Lynn and Judge Wilk who was the first to bring honesty and dignity to this Gamerman Rosenberg, to continue seizing the properties just for legal fees and bribes through their Mafiosi.

My two trustees in my will are my two granddaughters. One is Rachels’ daughter Simona, and the other Elie’s daughter Daniela.

Many thanks from the bottom of my heart.

Sincerely yours,
Abraham (Abe) Hirschfeld
Sullivan Correctional Facility
P.O.Box 116
Fallsburg NY 12733-0116

They used to call me always Honest Abe, and here in jail they call me Pop, Papi, Messiha, or Jacob from Egypt, and at Christmas time I was Santa Claus to them.

Hirschfeld’s Second Letter from Prison
Details How Conspirators Brought Him Down

June 11, 2001

Judge Diane A. Lebedeff
New York State Supreme Court
New York NY 10007

Dear Honorable Judge Lebedeff:

This case is in limbo, therefore I am writing to you, Honorable Judge.

Thank you for resigning from my daughter’s case. After 20 years of maligning me, forcing the press and media to slander me, and being six years before the admitted crook lying team of Rosenberg and Gammerman. Two breaks broke the legal mafia chain.

First, Honorable honest Judge Wilk was in session when Rosenberg and Wang entered the courtroom. Judge Wilk asked them, “Whom are you representing?”

They stuttered, and the judge ordered them to leave and not return; unlike in all cases of Gammerman, Rosenberg represents nobody related to the case except themselves.

The second miracle happened when we let Mr. Chira, Esq., go because of his dishonesty. He gave away 56 apartments in Jackson Heights, Queens, for 0 dollars.

The community I renovated became the first historic district in New York City. That was when my old friend, Christopher R. Lynn, Esq., left City Hall and was looking for a job. Whatever he asked for I gave it to him.

At his first appearance before Judge Gammerman, he felt very destroyed when Gammerman said he would keep me in jail for life if I didn’t give up my interest in the properties.

With Lynn came Feldman, Esq. At the next meeting Gammerman regretted the statement that he had made to Chris Lynn.

He then started off a new paragraph with more and new lies.

He said he knew me from previous dealings and experiences. I had never heard of Judge Gammerman until the admitted liar Rosenberg filed the Hirstan lawsuit. But that too was done only so Gammerman could steal the case from Judge Abdus Salaam.

After great success, Gammerman admitting of his intentions and lies, three days later Mayor Giuliani took away Chris Lynn, my first non-bribable lawyer.

Another miracle happened when Judge Gammerman said he will “keep me in jail for life.” He succeeded in putting me in jail with a false imposter by the name of Genese Stahl that ADA Marriani admitted under oath before Supreme Court Judge Referee (collaborator) Leventhal that she did not produce her because such a person did not exist.

Referee Birnbaum gave an honest report to send the case to a leading CPA firm. Gammerman preferred referees in my case.

Then there was another false Supreme Court Judge, Howard Leventhal, who was falsely converted to a referee, and the first time listed as one in the Green Book, 2000-2001, as Referee.

If he does not like the decision of a particular referee, he’ll bring in another. In this case it was Supreme Court Judge Nicholas Doyle. He dropped the black robe and became a false referee; held a meeting that nobody from our side attended, and gave a blank decision.

We were very surprised that nobody could find a bio of either.

We wrote to Judge Lippman, no response; Judge Crane, no response. Finally Mr. Werner responded that they worked as lawyers since 1995, completely evading that they are Supreme Court Judges – Leventhal since 1971; Doyle since 1978.

After telling him that we will not attend, we want to adhere to Referee Birnbaum’s rulings and recommendations to transfer to one of the leading CPA firms. And this decision was recorded by the court reporter.

Maybe 10 of my law firms didn’t know that, only here in the Inmate Law Library, a prisoner by the name of Aleek Jones said,  “Let’s look them up.” And there we found the truth!

It looks like this Gammerman, Rosenberg, Czaja and at least 50 co-conspirators work exclusively with the collaborations like the Mafia, but acting as a legal mafia.

Judges Lebedeff, Silberman, Cangle Jacobs, Abdus Salaam always gave a straight honest answer.

Rosenberg’s cases talk about everything – the weather, the moon, every other bullshit – but not about issues and nothing related to the Partnership Agreement; but only of those who are the four strangers and the crooks which are not partners to the Partnership, and never have been Partners, and are not blood related to Stanley Stahl.

Rosnberg, working in collusion with Judge Gammerman, is allowed to falsely state that he is counsel/attorney for people who are falsely claiming to be a Partner(s) for Stahl Associates and Hirstan Associates, namely Richard Czaja, Gregg Walport, Allen Shamoon, and Stuart Kotler, after stealing the Apple Bank and more than two billion dollars worth of prime real estate property, and leaving most of the Partners in the insane asylum or the cemetery.

All of this coming after Judge Gammerman stole this case from Abdus Salaam; stolen on the day it was put on the calendar in 1996.

Judge Gammerman shows his prejudice and his intentions when he signs instantly, by the dozens, every Rosenberg Mafioso O.S.C. or motions.

And all my motions never been touched yet.

It should also be noted that the Partnership Agreement permits only living “first level blood relations” as living Partners.

Another special note: there is no such thing as “survivor takes all,” except that the surviving Partner(s) should buy the share of the deceased Partner in accordance to paragraph 12 (Death) of the Partnership Agreement.

After all, what is the purpose of drawing up a contract if our judicial system don’t honor or respect them?

Thank you, Judge, for having the courage and wisdom to see what these mafioso’s are up to, and for resigning from the case.

After 30 years they eventually bribed Mr. Joe Veltri to become an informer. Veltri is a person who has never paid taxes in his life.

Then my first secretary, Rosemary Singer, was bribed after 32 years. She wore a wire illegally. After 32 years she didn’t tell me she was bugged.

I wouldn’t be in jail for a second if I was allowed to bring this up at my Huntley hearing before Judges Berkman, Beeler and Beal.

She was made a collaborator with the enemy. She was making $120,000 a year, but only reported $50,000 a year. She was released from taxes because of her collaboration with the enemy.

Almost all of my employees are bribed or are informers except a few loyal ones.

Very respectfully yours,
Abraham Hirschfeld

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