Peter S. Kalikow (left) presents Israel
Peace Medal to Bertram L. Podell.
Photos by Steve Friedman
Real Estate Mavens
Honor Bertram Podell


ENATOR Charles E. Schumer said that former Congressman Bertram L. Podell, one of the nation’s leading real estate tax attorneys, had employed him as an intern in 1969. “In those days, an intern had a positive connotation.” After the laughs Schumer added,  “Working in Bert’s office that summer inspired me and motivated me to public office.”

Podell, who served four terms in Congress, said, “If I’d known that one day Chuck would become a U.S. senator, I’d have paid him a few more dollars.”

Sen. Charles Schumer (left) and
Burton P. Resnick.

Schumer spoke at an Israel Bonds real estate and construction division luncheon at New York’s Waldorf-Astoria in honor of Podell. Peter Kalikow presented Podell with the Israel Peace Medal.

In January, when Schumer became the senior senator from New York (after Hillary Clinton succeeded Patrick Moynihan), he met Sen. Ernest “Fritz” Hollings who’s 77 years old.

“Well, Charles Schumer,” Hollings said, “I’m glad you are here. I didn’t know you were such an important person.”

Bertram L. Podell (left) and Sy Syms.

“Why do you say that,” Schumer asked.

“I’ve been here 37 years and I’m still the junior senator from South Carolina.” (Strom Thurmond, at 97, still serves as senior senator.)

The luncheon, which attracted 560 people under the chairmanship of Daniel R. Tishman, raised more than $16.8 million in Israel Bonds sales.

Howard Hirsch (left) and Israel Bonds
campaign chairman Kent M. Swig.

Other participants included Israel Bonds board chairman Burton P. Resnick, greater New York chairman Howard Hirsch, and real estate division chairman Jerry L. Cohen.

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