Mortimer Zuckerman and wife Marla Prather
(left) with Elie Wiesel.
Photo by Tim Boxer

Israel Proves
Mazel for Lorin


EXACTLY two weeks after Lorin Maazel conducted the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra on its 65th anniversary with a Jan. 15 performance at Carnegie Hall, he was appointed the new music director of the New York Philharmonic. Born in Paris in 1930 to American Jewish parents, Maazel will succeed Kurt Masur late next year.

Call him Maazel Tov!

Jo Carole and Ronald Lauder,
co-chairs of IPO gala.
Photo by David Braunstein

The 70-year-old maestro is currently music director of the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra. In May, he will again lead the Israel Philharmonic during its European tour, which will include Spain, Italy and France.

At Carnegie Hall, Maazel directed an all-Beethoven program with piano soloist Yefim Bronfman.

Bronfman, born in Tashkent, Soviet Union, immigrated to Israel in 1973 were he enjoyed instant success. The next year he made his debut with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra (IPO).

Following the Carnegie Hall concert, Ronald Lauder, gala co-chairman with wife Jo Carole, welcomed the American Friends of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra to its 11th annual gala at The Plaza.

Pianist Yefim Bronfman (left) and conductor
Lorin Maazel at IPO dinner.
Photo by David Braunstein

He thanked the 740 supporters for raising $1.4 million for the orchestra’s activities. “It’s absolutely phenomenal!” he exclaimed. “Could not have done it without you…and Beethoven.”

Among the guests were James D. Wolfensohn, Tricia and Jason Pantzer, Edward Pantzer, Ellen Liman, Stacy and Matthew Brudner, Marion and Elie Wiesel, Burton and Judith Resnick, Mort Zuckerman and wife Marla Prather, curator at the Whitney Museum.

 “In this trying time for Israel,” said Lauder, “they never lose sight of one of its most momentous treasures – its music.”

Itzhak Perlman.
Photo by Tim Boxer

This portion of the evening being a dinner, speeches were served first. Israeli Ambassador David Ivry, well aware of protocol at such occasions, came prepared with notes.

But first he told about a person who came to deliver a talk. He took out his speech and talked for 15 minutes. He went on for 30 minutes – until he realized he was reading from two copies.

“I have here three copies,” Ivry said. A rare bird indeed – a diplomat with a sense of humor!

Sy Syms (left) and Ephraim Propp.
Photo by Tim Boxer

Itzhak Perlman, co-chairman with Zubin Mehta of the IPO board, said he was always thrilled to play or conduct the Israel Philharmonic.

“We played in many countries, including Poland, Soviet Union, India. And there’s nothing more exciting than to hear Hatikvah.”

He played in Israel the previous week. He brought along several musicians from the U.S.

“There was some American government fear for their safety,” Perlman said. “Some politicians are not in harmony. I can assure you the musicians are in harmony.”


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