Danny Levine and son Shlomo
| Yeshiva Ketana Gives Books Instead Of Plaques hlomo Levine says his father always wanted to be a singer or movie star, but his mother refused to move to California. So his father, Daniel, stayed in New York and took over his father’s business, J. Levine Books and Judaica. Instead, Shlomo, 14, became the singer in the family. He’s been part of the Miami Boys Choir for three years. He’s heard in the group’s new CD, “Stand Up.” “My son’s living the life I always wanted,” Daniel said at the Yeshiva Ketana of Manhattan’s 13th annual dinner at the Lincoln Square Synagogue. Dinner chairman Michael Landau said that all honorees – Dr. Benjamin and Mrs. Anna Kest, Mrs. Lenore Richter, and Daniel and Rosalind Levine – asked that instead of plaques, they should get books, which they’ll donate to the yeshiva. “I hope you bought the books at J. Levine,” Daniel said. For his response, Daniel told about three men who died the same day. An angel asked what they wanted to be said at their funeral. The first one said, “I want them to mention yeshivas, mitzvoth, tzedaka.” The second one said, “Family, wife, learning.” The third one said, “When they stand in front of my casket, I want them to say, ‘Look, he’s moving! He’s alive!” |