Howard Hirsch (left), Israel Bonds Greater
New York chairman, introduces Bear
Stearns chairman Ace Greenberg
at real estate new leadership luncheon
at New York’s Grand Hyatt.

Ace Greenberg Sees Bright Economic Future


lan “Ace” Greenberg used to tell people he was in the securities business. “Now I say I’m in the insecurity business.”

The Bear Stearns chairman told an Israel Bonds real estate luncheon crowd at New York’s Grand Hyatt that he’s never seen Wall Street fluctuate as much as it did during the past several months.

“Stocks moved up and down more in one day that they used to in a year. I don’t know the answer. It’s something we’ll just have to live with.”

He saw a bright future for the country. “I’m extremely optimistic. But bear in mind one thing – I’m often wrong!”

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