Aya Azrielant and Hillary Rodham Clinton
Photo by Tim Boxer

Hillary and Aya Have
Husbands in Common


bout 40 people showed up at jewelry designer Aya Azrielant’s West Side penthouse duplex to have their picture taken with Senate candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.

“One person came straight from the gym,” Clinton noticed. “I feel guilty – it’s been a long time since I’ve been in a gym.”

Former Manhattan Borough president Ruth Messinger, designer Elie Tahari, artist Benjamin Levy, singer Zamira Chenn, film producer Zvi Almog were there.

Clinton had time for brief remarks, as she was on her way to four other parlor meetings. She told of a woman from Israel, studying education here, who said, “Some schools are so poor that they have little equipment, no computers and no labs. Then I see schools that have everything they need. Who decides which schools get what?”

Clinton had no answer except to pledge to work for education improvement. She noted that New York is the state with the biggest gap between the rich and poor.

“I met Mrs. Clinton seven years ago,” Azrielant said. “We share one thing in common. We both work with our husbands. Little did we realize how challenging that is.”

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