15 Minutes Magazine - The Magazine of Society and Celebrity

Celebrating Our 17TH Year!

Official Magazine of the Next 15 Minutes




Main Event


Ann and Kenneth Bialkin
Ann and Kenneth Bialkin
Caryn Zucker and Stacey Bronfman
Caryn Zucker and Stacey Bronfman

Matthew Bronfman and son Coby, 7
Matthew Bronfman and son Coby, 7

Jennifer Hudson Packs The House
As Record Crowd Fills The Till

HE sold-out annual spring gala of New York’s venerable 92Y raised a record $4.23 million for the organization’s community and cultural programs. Some 750 guests came for dinner and 900 attended Jennifer Hudson’s performance in the concert hall.

"This is our most successful gala ever," John Paulson said. "Not only in terms of money but it is the first time we have had a sold-out performance. Not one vacant seat."

92Y president Stuart J. Ellman summed it up: "Tonight is about giving."

Among the guests were Debra and Glenn August, Jill Bikoff, Stacey and Matthew Bronfman, Nina and Mitch Davidson, Susan and Jeffrey Goldenberg, Daphne Recanati Kaplan and Thomas Kaplan, Lisa and David Klein of Leviev, Christine and Richard Mack, Selina and Sihan Shu, and Buddy Teich.

Manda Kovar, Jessica Berman and Sarah Nikpour
Manda Kovar, Jessica Berman and Sarah Nikpour
Ingeborg Rennert with daughters Nina Davidson and Tammy Winn
Ingeborg Rennert with daughters Nina Davidson and Tammy Winn
Lisa and David Klein
Lisa and David Klein
Marion and Elie Wiesel
Marion and Elie Wiesel
David and Libbie Mugrabi (left) with Jacqueline and Mortimer Sackler
David and Libbie Mugrabi (left) with Jacqueline and Mortimer Sackler

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