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Tim Boxer

Boxer Shorts


Sarah SilvermanCARGO OF LAUGHS Sarah Silverman seized President Shimon Peres’s invitation to visit Israel. In June EL AL Israel Airlines unloaded her controversial cargo of caustic humor in the Holy Land. Sometimes called the Big S, the 40-year-old sharp-tongued comedian unveiled her satirical whimsy at the third annual Presidential Conference in the Jerusalem International Convention Center. (I’m sure the 100 gates of Meah Shearim were locked tight during her presence in the Holy City.) Then the sassy star schlepped her bag of banter down from the hills to Tel Aviv where she shot caustic quips during comedy night at the Wahl Amphitheater. Photo: Orly Halevy 

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Josh CharlesFIRST TIMER Josh Charles , who plays Will Gardner on the hit TV show The Good Wife, poses in EL AL’s King David Lounge at Kennedy Airport prior to boarding for his first flight to Israel. The actor toured the country and spent time with relatives who live there. 

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Andretti Mullens, Vanessa Ohayon and pop star and salon owner Michael FredoCANCER FIGHTERS Andretti Mullens, Vanessa Ohayon and pop star and salon owner Michael Fredo celebrate at New York’s Gansevoort Hotel in honor of the Generation NXT charity event benefitting the Lustgarden Foundation and the fight against pancreatic cancer. Mullens and Fredo, the event coordinators and talent liaisons, helped raise $250,000. 

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