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Tim Boxer



HE notorious SS Lt. Col. Adolph Eichmann was a no-show at the Nuremberg tribunals that judged and condemned the perpetrators of the Nazi rape of Europe at the end of World War II. He was nowhere to be seen until Israeli agents found him hiding in Argentina and brought him to justice in Jerusalem in 1961.

Deborah Lipstadt, Dorot Professor of Modern Jewish History and Holocaust Studies at Emory University, has produced a masterful account of the Eichmann affair, his crimes and punishment.

In THE EICHMANN TRIAL, Lipstadt gives us a gripping story of the capture of Eichmann, and an absorbing account of the trial of the century, that enlightened a new generation about the horrors of the Holocaust.

It proved to the Israelis that they were not really "the new Jew." They were no different than the shtetl Jews who were slaughtered so easily. The sabras were simply lucky, lucky that they were born outside Europe, lucky like the Jews in America and Canada who were lucky to be born in countries far from the killing grounds.

Lipstadt concludes with a story of her encounter with a group of Rwandans in Jerusalem. These survivors of a massacre visited Yad Vashem and were guests at the homes of Holocaust survivors. They learned the valuable lesson that, as one of them put it, "Future generations, those who were not there, must remember. And we, who were there, must tell them." (Nextbook/Schocken, 237 pages, $24.95, Amazon.com Price: $15.96)


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HE author of
OSAMA BIN LADEN, Michael Scheuer, chief of the CIA’s bin Laden unit from 1996 to 1999, presents the world’s foremost terrorist whom we have almost willfully misunderstood. With this wealth of information about him, we need no longer deceive ourselves about his aims and strategy. This is a war he started with the aim of bringing down the United States and integrating it with the umma, the Islamic world.

Scheuer, a skillful counterterrorism analyst, refrains from describing bin Laden in terms of mass murderer, Islamofascist, criminal or madman, as that does no good in understanding him and defeating him. In order to bury him "we need a fair-minded, clear-eyed assessment of who and what he is."

That’s what Scheuer succeeds in his book — an assessment of the enemy, how he was raised, how he was educated, and how he operated since declaring war in August 1996 in the belief that he is following God’s plan for a world that will eventually be entirely Islamic. Knowing that, we can proceed to defeat him.

Bin Laden wants to overthrow not only Israel but also Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Algeria, Jordan and other such corrupt, un-Islamic regimes which are all propped up by the military and economic support of the United States. By concentrating on attacking the U.S. first, he intends to topple the Muslim tyrannies countries in turn.

And so he continues to lure America closer to him, making it easier to defeat it. Bringing the infidel troops to the Muslim world, to the Afghan barrens where he can bleed them with a steady flow of casualties, causing political dissent in the U.S. and breaking Washington’s will to fight, will result in American withdrawal, as happened in Lebanon (1983) and Somalia (1994). Bin Laden hopes it will happen in Afghanistan and Iraq, and every other Muslim country with an American military presence. Once America is defeated he will turn to overthrowing "Arab tyrannies, destroying Israel, and, eventually, to fighting Shia" (Iran).

Is Bin Laden succeeding? His impact on American society is staggering. "His actions," Scheuer writes, "have caused Americans to doubt their government’s ability, and at times its desire, to defend them; he has made them wary of growing police powers at all government levels; he has made them suspicious of neighbors, immigrants, and tourists; he has recast the military they might have once admired as a the world’s best as an enormously expensive entity that can do anything but win wars; and he is waging a religious conflict against them that utterly confounds Westerners."

Scheuer concludes: "We are, I believe, fighting a war for survival; if we do not win outright and irrefutably, we will surely lose in the same manner." (Oxford University Press, 278 pages, $19.95, Amazon.com Price: $11.52)


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, a software engineer with 20 years of experience, has written quite a helpful book for database programmers. As a software programmer, you know that an antipattern is "a technique that is intended to solve a problem but that often leads to other problems," so you definitely need Karwin’s guidance. His book, SQL ANTIPATTERNS: AVOIDING THE PITFALLS OF DATABASE PROGRAMMING, describes "the most frequently made missteps I’ve seen people naively make while using SQL."

The author has a keen sense of humor so software experts will find it a joy to study with him. Some of his antipattern chapters are titled "Reinventing the Wheel: and "Design by Committee" to drive home a point or two. (Pragmatic Bookshelf, soft cover, 340 pages, $34.95, Amazon.com Price: $23.07)

Debug It!PAUL BUTCHER, who’s worked in all fields of abstraction (as his bio says), is here to help professional developers to avoid bugs (or diagnosing and repairing) when writing codes in his important book, DEBUG IT! Debugging is excruciatingly difficult.

"Sometimes," Butcher says, "it will seem as though what the software is doing is clearly impossible. Every piece of evidence contradicts what you’re seeing. If it wasn’t for the fact that it is happening, you would swear that it couldn’t."

Fortunately, Butcher is easy to read, and follow, as he instructs how to get the job done. (Pragmatic Bookshelf, soft cover, 218 pages, $34.95, Amazon.com Price: $22.66)


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is a big book packed with stunning captures from the National Parks. Simply study these eye-opening photos and you’re sure to enhance your photographic technique. For Marc Muench not only offers saliva-inducing landscape pictures but guides you in improving your skills so you can shoot similar excellent and wondrous pictures when you’re next in the mountains or forests of this great country. He will help you recreate the emotions you experience, "not the scene in front." That differentiates the novice snapshooter from the professional artist. (Rocky Nook, large size soft cover, 220 pages, $39.95, Amazon.com Price: $26.10)

MERRIAM-WEBSTER’S COLLEGIATE THESAURUSMERRIAM-WEBSTER’S COLLEGIATE THESAURUS is the second edition of a work first brought out in 1976. It’s a dream book offering more than 275,000 word choices to satisfy for everyone who puts words on paper or on the screen. What stands out is the inclusion of a sentence or phrase for every synonym in the book. That’s a great help in deciding whether a certain word will work in your context. (Merriam-Webster, 1162 pages, $21.95, Amazon.com Price: $14.35)

MERRIAM-WEBSTER’S ELEMENTARY DICTIONARYMERRIAM-WEBSTER’S ELEMENTARY DICTIONARY is an invaluable guide for the meaning of words for elementary grade students, ages 8 to 11. Profusely illustrated with colorful photos, artwork, sidebars that give the history of certain words, derivations from the Latin root, synonyms, and even headscratchers (e.g., "The word level is spelled the same forwards and backwards"). A fun word book that young readers will love. (Merriam-Webster,824 pages, $17.95, Amazon.com Price: $10.40)

PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS 8 FOR WINDOWSPHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS 8 FOR WINDOWS is the ultimate guidebook for your app. This is part of the Missing Manual series under the direction of John Pogue, the distinguished technology columnist of The New York Times. The author, Barbara Brundage, has been teaching Elements since the beginning of Elements in 2001. You’ll find the chapters engaging from the start, with the welcome screen right on to the end dealing with online albums and slideshows. Of course, there is also Photoshop Elements 8 for Mac. In addition you get the online edition free for 45 days. (Pogue Press/O’Reilly, soft cover, a whopping 626 pages, $44.99, Amazon.com Price: NEW from $28.54)

PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS 8 ONE-ON-ONEPHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS 8 ONE-ON-ONE teaches you the basics, the fundamentals and the sophisticated features in 12 tutorials by the accomplished technology maven Deke McClelland who’s written more than 20 books on Photoshop, co-author Colleen Wheeler, editor of the One-on-One series. So you’re in good hands here. Every lesson is accompanied by a video lesson that’s entertaining and instructive. It’s like being in class, with practice exercises and summaries of what you learned in each lesson. (deke press/O’Reilly, soft cover, 373 pages, $39.99, Amazon.com Price: $26.12)

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