15 Minutes Magazine - The Magazine of Society and Celebrity

Celebrating Our 17TH Year!

Official Magazine of the Next 15 Minutes


Power Benefits

Carol Wolowitz, Dan Senor and Ruth Suzman
Carol Wolowitz, Dan Senor and Ruth Suzman

Rosalind Devon and Barbara Zuckerberg
Rosalind Devon and Barbara Zuckerberg
Lion Of Judah Luncheon
Honors Top Philanthropists

AROL WOLOWITZ, a past chair of Long Island Women’s Philanthropy of the UJA-Federation of New York, was getting a pedicure when her cellphone rang.

Martine Fleishman, president of Women’s Philanthropy, was calling to inform that Carol had been chosen to receive the 2010 Kipnis-Wilson/Friedland Award at the Lion of Judah fall luncheon at the Pierre Hotel in Manhattan.

"I was humbled," Carol recalled at the luncheon. "But as Golda Meir said, don’t be so humble — you’re not that great."

The Spirit of Peggy Award went to Ruth Suzman, a chair of UJA-Federation’s 2011 Westchester annual campaign. Pat Hall, daughter of the late Peggy Tishman, for whom the award is named, made the presentation.

More than 16,000 women across the country — each contributing a minimum of $10,000 — participate in the Lion of Judah program in philanthropic fundraising.

The keynote speaker, Dan Senor, an adjunct senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, predicted that the United States won’t take out Iran’s nuclear weapons.

"Israel will," Senor asserted.

"It will be messier than if the Americans did. Israel doesn’t have the resources like the U.S. has. That means America will have to step in and clean it up."




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