Frank Fields A Midnight Call For Help


Frank Field and Dr. Alisan Goldfarb

RANK FIELD had to sit through a lengthy introduction as Dr. Yashar Hirshaut, president of the Israel Cancer Research Fund, proudly enumerated all his accomplishments - a fixture on New York television for 42 years in forecasting the weather and reporting on health issues.

When the WOR-TV meteorologist finally rose to accept the group’s Media Recognition Award, he cracked, “I have aged considerably in the last five minutes.”

The veteran newsman turns down countless requests for honors. Why did he accept this award at the ICRF 23d annual Tower of Hope Ball at the Waldorf-Astoria?

He said he got a collect call at 3:30 in the morning, waking him from a deep sleep.

“Dr. Frank Field?” the person said.


“ICRF wants to honor you as the most outstanding newscaster in New York.”

“Why me? What about Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw or Peter Jennings?”

“Oh, they wouldn’t accept the call.”

Stockbroker Ephraim Propp, whose wife Gail was dinner co-chair, gave Field a unique definition of meteorologist: “That’s a guy who looks into a girl’s eyes to see whether.”

Board chairman Leah Susskind announced that ICRF raised $22 million in its 22 years, which was used to fund 1,212 creative researchers in Israel.

Dinner co-chair Lynne Meadow, producer/director of the Manhattan Theater Group, presented the humanitarian award to Dr. Alisan Goldfarb who specializes in breast cancer at Mount Sinai Hospital.

“I spend a lot of time casting shows,” Meadow said. “I would never in a million years cast Alison in the role of surgeon.

“Here’s this great looking blond with long manicured fingernails in a short tight skirt and high heels. This can’t be a doctor!"

Then Meadow told how she quickly changed her perception.

“Alisan told me I had breast cancer. She took my hand and assured me. She understood both my vanity and terror. I’m one of thousands she saved.”

Alisan Goldfarb, who looks terrific at 50, thanked all the doctors at the dinner for supporting cancer research in Israel.

“I want to thank the plastic surgeons who are here this evening who will help me age gracefully when the time comes!”


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