Marrano: Sp. lit.,
swine (expression of contempt). During the Spanish Inquisition, a Jew who
professed Christianity to escape death or persecution, often continuing to
observe Judaism secretly.
Webster’s New World Dictionary

Joey Adams (right) and
Tim Boxer (left)
the former Yosef Abramowitz who was born on January 6, 1911, in New
York City, conducted for many years one of the most highly rated talk
shows on WEVD, at that time an all-Jewish radio station. He would take
great delight in regularly reminding his countless adoring fans of his
ethnic roots, his utter devotion to the Jewish people and the land of
If he had a rock star singing on
his show, he would interrupt with a Yiddish lullaby, gushing that it was a
melody his mother used to sing to him in the cradle. He would relate with
deep pride how he raised millions for the United Jewish Appeal and Israel
Bonds by crisscrossing the country to emcee their fundraising campaigns.
Stein aimed a
camera at Joey Adams
at the Friars Club.
Joey asked, "Why do
you want to take my
picture?" Dennis said,
"I want to send it to the
cemetery with a note:
Fyvush Finkel
came on the radio show straight from his off-Broadway show, Little Shop of
Horrors. “It’s amechaya [a pleasure] to have Fyvush Finkel here,”
Joey declared. “Can you top Joey Adams with Yiddishkeit?”
he would alienate a guest. The late songwriter Eddie White was
invited on the air, ostensibly to plug his book, Yesterday’s Cake. Joey
instructed him, “Don’t plug your book. Tell jokes.” An indignant
Eddie walked off the show.
I would listen to his programs
with profound satisfaction. He made me feel happy about who I was. Until
one day a mutual friend surreptitiously dropped a bombshell:
“Joey Adams is a longtime
convert to Christian Science!”

Peter Max and
Danny Aiello
The words exploded in my brain. I
refused to believe it. Even after my friend told me that Joey and Cindy
Adams, his wife since 1952, could be seen emerging from a Christian
Science church on the West Side of Manhattan most Sunday mornings, I
refused to be disillusioned about my hero.
Since only a face-to-face
admission to the truth would satisfy, I arranged an interview with the
comedian at the Friars Club. He could be seen almost every weekday having
lunch at his regular place, the second table at the left wall of the main
dining room. He appeared to be reading from a well-rehearsed script as he
recounted with great pride and in rapid succession his many virtuous
Fiorello LaGuardia’s protégé and “adopted son.” The
mayor used to tell Joey, “Don’t worry about people knowing you;
make yourself worth knowing.”
star, film personality, author of 36 books.
of the American Guild of Variety Artists, the showbiz union, and
originator of “Joey’s Law” which prohibits AGVA members from
entertaining in nightclubs that are not integrated.
nation’s goodwill ambassador for life, appointed by Pres. John
F. Kennedy. Before embarking on a 1961 cultural exchange in
Southeast Asia with a troupe of variety artists, he got some advice
from Kennedy regarding the people in Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia
and Iran: “Don’t teach them, learn from them.”
for civil rights. He joined his good friend Martin Luther King
Jr. on a turbulent march in Birmingham in 1963, getting pelted
with eggs and epithets. “How do you handle your enemies?” he
asked King. “There’s only one way,” the reverend answered.
“Love the hell out of them.” |
“I remember all these
things,” Joey told me. “That’s how I live my life. That was my
education. That was my faith.”
In his book, The God Bit
(1975), Joey described how, on one of his goodwill tours, Cindy lost the
hearing in one ear due to incessant strife and tension among the troupe.
As a student of metaphysics, it was her habit to turn to the Bible. Joey
writes that she turned to a passage in Philippians 4:8:
brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest,
whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things
are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue,
and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Cindy refused to see a doctor,
believing you have to treat any disorder by seeking the cause. She found
an experienced metaphysician in Saigon, who counseled, “Don’t hear
people. Hear God.”
Joey wrote that Cindy
“substituted joy for frustration, harmony for inharmony, understanding
for resentment, and as she listened hard for God she began, bit by bit, to
hear all the sounds of His universe. In a matter of time her hearing was
perfectly restored.”
“You don’t believe in
doctors, medicine?” I asked.
“No,” Joey replied. “It has
nothing to do with that. “It’s more knowing that you are a reflection
of God. And if you are sick, you are turning your back on God, you say
He’s not healthy.”
“It really works, Joey?”
“It works this way, if you
believe you’re God’s perfect child.”
“If I have a headache,” I
persist, “I have to run for an aspirin.”
“You gotta work at it,” Joey
Finally I give it a name:
“Joey, Christian Science really works?”
Putting a label on it upset him.
“Don’t mention anything about Christian Science,” he pleaded.
“Please don’t mention it. I don’t want to discuss Christian
“I tried with faith,” I tell
him. “Not Christian Science, just faith, but it’s too hard.”
“Trust in the Lord with all
your heart,” Joey continued. “Lean not to thine own understanding, but
in all ways acknowledge Him, trust in Him. Trusting without adhering to
the Ten Commandments, without adhering to the Sermon on the Mount, without
adhering to the principles of God, how are you going to explain Cain
and Abel? How are you going to explain Abraham going to sacrifice
his child?
“If you believe that evil is
possible, you allow it to become manic depressive, to become meshuga
[crazy]. You gotta believe. Whatever I am, God is; whatever I was, God is;
wherever I’m going, God is. No plots behind my back, no plots before me,
it’s all there before me -
love. Love the hell out of them.”

Rabbi Joseph Potasnik
and Peter Max
I don’t know if love was meant
for me too. I kept Joey’s secret for several years. I continued to write
about his activities on behalf of the Jewish community in my column in The
New York Jewish Week, even though he concluded his lengthy entry in Who’s
Who in America by stating that he had long lived by the words of Mary
Baker Eddy: “A dose of joy is a spiritual cure.”
I mentioned my interview with
Joey to Earl Wilson. The Broadway gossip columnist was not
surprised. He said that Cindy goes to Boston for a Christian Science
“At one time,” Earl once
wrote, “Joey was so Jewish he thought Mary Baker Eddy ran a bagel
shop.” Joey was not amused. Earl told him to lighten up: “Christian
Science? Joey, why not Jewish science?”
Earl, a Methodist farm boy from
Ohio, told me, “Joey tried to convert me to Christian Science.”
Rev. David
Randolph said he
imagines Joey
entering heaven's
gates. St. Peter asks,
"Joey, are you
comfortable?" and he
answers, "I make a
living." |
Earl showed me a booklet that he
said was one of many that came from Joey. Titled
“God’s Law of Adjustment,” it was a reprint of an article in
the Christian Science Journal.
The rumor persisted. Masha
Leon, a columnist for The Forward, received a query from a
“troubled” reader in Miami Beach who could not “conceive that Mr.
Adams would indeed convert. And, if he has left the Jewish fold, I see no
reason for any Jewish newspaper to give him a build-up as a nice Jewish
Masha tried to verify the rumor.
She called Joey and spoke to his secretary, who confirmed that he is both
Jewish and Christian Scientist “just as someone can be a Catholic and
Christian Science.”
Barry Gray, a radio talk
show host, confirmed the rumor for me. He said he knew that Joey and Cindy
were indeed Christian Scientists. “I know they’ve gone to services
because they discussed it with my ex-wife who was a Christian Scientist.
Here is the famous Jewish comedian and he doesn’t practice Judaism.”
When Barry Gray had Joey and
Cindy on his show, a listener called and asked whether it was true that
they are Christian Scientists. Cindy said yes; Joey reluctantly said yes,
according to Barry.
At the time, in the early ‘80s,
I succeeded Earl Wilson, who retired after 40 years as the celebrity
columnist on the New York Post. At the same time, I continued to
write a column in The Jewish Week.
I tried to set the record
straight with a blind item in my Jewish Week column of August 6,
1982, stating, “A Jewish personality, along with his well-known wife,
converted to Christianity, yet still pose as respected Jews.”
Discerning readers were incredulous. One sent me a postcard from
Flushing, Queens: “Listening to his radio show practically every morning
where he overemphasizes his Yiddishkeit, it cannot be possible that he
Another reader, a rabbi on the
faculty of Yeshiva University, contacted Joey for clarification. The rabbi
wrote to me, “Joey called back on the phone to categorically deny this
Yes, Joey Adams was good at being
a reverse Marrano. During the Spanish Inquisition, many Jews converted to
save their lives. They practiced Christianity in public, but remained
Jewish in the privacy of their homes. Joey, it turns out, displayed Jewish
attributes in public, but practiced Christian Science in secrecy.
The right-wing Orthodox
newspaper, Jewish Press, printed a highly flattering column
praising Joey and Cindy for all their good works on behalf of the Jewish
community. This prompted an amazed Martin Levinson of Forest Hills,
a film editor at ABC-TV, to write to the editor:
“I’m not quite sure whether
the article was a political payoff to the Adams family for deeds done in
the past, or is a clever cover-up on the Adams’ membership in the
Christian Science Church…Did you print the story as an unpaid
advertisement, or does Mr. Adams have something on the Jewish Press?”
The tumult my Jewish Week
item apparently caused in the Adams household on Fifth Avenue must have
been profound. One night, I was seated in front of Cindy at the opening of
Alice in Wonderland on Broadway. She stared for a moment, and then
hissed, “You know, if you print one more time about Joey having
converted out of Judaism, we will sue you.”
“I only printed what Joey told
me,” I said.
“It’s not true.”
“You mean Joey lied when he
told me he converted to Christian Science? He told me the whole story, how
you converted first, then he converted.”
“My family and I have been
interested in Christian Science for a long time. If you print that about
Joey one more time, we’ll sue. I’ve told my lawyer. I told The Post
and I told Earl. Nobody cares what you write!”
“If nobody cares, why are you
so concerned?”
“Nobody cares what you write in
your silly Jewish newspaper.”
I took that as a threat. It shook
me up.
Actually, I did not realize what
kind of threat that was until shortly after the incident, when I met Cindy
at another opening night party on Broadway. “We just got back from
Australia,” she gushed. “We were guests of Rupert Murdoch on
his yacht.”
That sounded ominous. Indeed, I
was soon yanked off the column and transferred to the television
department of the newspaper. Cindy took over as successor to the Earl
Wilson column.
That is not all. Joey called the
editor of The Jewish Week and offered to replace me as the
celebrity columnist. Joey made an offer he thought the editor could not
refuse. He said he’d write for free. The editor rejected Joey’s
generous offer.
At the Friars Club, Joey tried to
soothe me. “I want you t know I don’t hold a grudge. I have nothing
against you. Look forward. Be happy. Let’s just be friends.” Each time
he saw me at the club he would say, “I love you. If you need anything,
just call me.”
Yes, love the hell out of them.
In 1992, before he took over the
Page Six gossip spread in the New York Post, Richard Johnson
wrote in the New York Daily News about celebrities with unexpected
religious beliefs:
Taylor, born a Christian Scientist but became a Jew
Spillane, Jehovah’s Witness
Lee Gifford, born-again Christian
Gere and Spalding Gray, Buddhists
Ochs Sulzberger Jr., New York Times publisher,
Johnson concluded: “Columnist
Cindy Adams and her Borscht Belt comic husband Joey Adams, according to
friends, have been Christian Scientists for many years. Adams declined to
comment on the ground that religion is a personal topic."
family and I have
been interested in
Christian Science for
a long time. If you
print that about Joey
one more time, we'll
sue. I've told my lawyer.
I told The Post and I
told Earl Wilson.
Nobody cares what
you write!"
When Joey died at age 88 on
Thursday, December 2, 1999, at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Manhattan,
Cindy wanted to give him “a magnificent sendoff.” But she was worried.
Most of her 88-year-old husband’s cronies had already gone to their
heavenly reward. So she
appealed in her New York Post column on Sunday for all her friends
to attend her husband’s funeral the next day at Riverside memorial
Chapel on New York’s Upper West Side.
“Please come,” Cindy pleaded.
“Help me pack the place for Joey. Let St. Peter not be ashamed.”
I joined an SRO crowd at the
Jewish chapel that included Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Alan Alda, Anthony
Quinn, Danny Aiello, Joe Franklin, Dr. Ruth
Westheimer, lawyer Barry Slotnick, Regis Philbin,
Barbara Walters, Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara, artist Peter
Max, and Friars president Freddie Roman who brought along
members Alan King, Mickey Freeman, Shelly Rothman and
Rabbi Joseph Potasnik was
pleased. “Cindy,” he said, “you wanted a packed house and you got
it. It’s a good thing Joey didn’t become a rabbi. When does a rabbi
get a packed house?”
The funeral was bittersweet. NY
State Sen. Roy Goodman served as emcee and set the tone at the
outset. He repeated a couple of stories from Joey’s book, The Friars
Encyclopedia, the one about a woman placing an obit in the newspaper.
The ad cost 5 cents a word. The
woman said, “Write down: ‘Goldberg is dead.’”
That was not good enough. There
was a six-word minimum.
So she said, “Okay, write down:
‘Goldberg is dead. Cadillac for sale.’”

Joey and Cindy
Besides Rabbi Potasnik of
Congregation Mount Sinai in Brooklyn Heights, the second clergyman who
officiated was Dr. David James Randolph, former pastor of Christ
United Methodist Church of Babylon, L.I., a close friend of the family who
flew in from his new post in Berkeley, Calif.
“I sat on Joey’s bed and
prayed with him,” Randolph said. “It extended Joey’s life.”
The reverend said he imagines
Joey entering heaven’s gates. St. Peter asks,
“Joey, are you comfortable?”
and he answers, “I make a living.”
Cindy got up and said, “I
can’t cry -
I have false eyelashes.”
This was a man, Cindy said, who
when he married her, took her under his wing, introduced her to all the
celebrities, gave her a rolodex filled with showbiz stars, bought her
jewelry and furs.
“Everything I have is from
Joey. The only thing this man did to me was grow old.”
Now she began taking care of her
husband. Joey stopped coming to the Friars Club for his daily lunch. In
October he became so feeble that he required around the clock attention.
Cindy said she often left in the middle of a Broadway show so she could be
home by 10 o’clock to relieve the night nurse.
Speaking in Yiddish, Cindy
repeated a favorite saying of her grandmother: “The wheel turns and
turns again.” At the beginning of Cindy’s career, Joey took care of
her. At the end of Joey’s life, she took care of him.
The service ended with Rabbi
Potasnik chanting Kaddish and many in the audience saying “The Lord’s
was no burial. Cindy’s secretary, Marcee, said Cindy had Joey
cremated. “She’s a very
active member of the Christian Science Church.”  |